the different lubrication points for the Walter
Kidde Model 4211 transfer pump. We also recom-
mend you drain the oil in the crankcase after every
Table 3-1 is from the operating manual for the
150 hours of operation. The crankcase holds 1
Walter Kidde unit. It lists possible troubles that
pint of SAE #20 lubricating oil.
may occur during the operation of the carbon
die-tide transfer unit, their probable cause,
indicated remedy.
D o n o t i n t r o d u c e o i l o r g r e a s e i n t o
Plunger Packing
the compressor assembly or into the
adapters or hose connections used to
Vapor leaks at the plunger packing
a nd
transfer the carbon dioxide.
sometimes impossible to overcome. An invisible
Table 3-1.Troubles that may occur during the operation of the carbon dioxide transfer unit, their probable cause, and
indicated remedy