Leaving Aircraft. Grasp the door edges
about waist high, and place your feet together
over the edge of the hatch, as shown in figure
5-10. Pull your body forward and exit the aircraft.
The NB-8 parachute used in the P-3 aircraft
does not have automatic opening features.
Therefore, the aircrewman must manually pull the
rip cord. Grip the rip cord handle as shown in
figure 5-11 and pull it to the maximum length of
travel. This allows for complete release of pins
from the parachute pack.
Parachute Descent. Immediately following
the opening shock of the parachute, check the
condition of the parachute canopy. Assuming you
have a fully deployed canopy, locate the two
beaded handles on the LPA; pull them down and
straight out to inflate the life preserver (fig. 5-12).
You may need to squeeze the waist lobes to release
the hook-and-pile tapes on the collar lobes.
Sometimes it is necessary to manually release the
hook-and-pile tapes to allow full inflation of the
collar lobes (fig. 5-13). At this point you should
raise the visor on your helmet if you are over
water and lower it if you are over land.
Four-Line Release. Actuation of the four-
line release system reduces oscillation and provides
a method of maneuvering the parachute to an
optimal landing site.
Figure 5-13.Aircrewman releasing the hook-and-pile tapes on collar.