3-22.3-23.3-24.3-25.3-26.The SV-2B survival vest providesmaximum storage for survivalequipment.In addition, itprovides for integration of whichof the following items?1.A life preserver2.Anti-g coveralls3.A chest-mounted oxygenregulator4.All of the above3-27.3-28.Learning Objective:Identifyrequirements for wearing anti-exposure suits.Antiexposure suits must be wornin what maximum watertemperature?1.32°F or below2.40°F or below3.50°F or below4.65°F or belowWhat maximum air temperaturerequires that antiexposure suitsbe worn?1 . 32°For below2.40°F or below3.45°F or below4.50°F or belowThe antiexposure assembliesshould be sized to aircrewmembers by using their1.suit size2.height, weight, and chestmeasurements3.chest and height measurements4.torso measurement.The CWU-23/P liner is supplied inhow many sizes?1. 82.103.124. 14The CWU–62/P antiexposurecoverall is supplied in how manysizes?1. neck seal trimming isnecessary, trimming incrementsshould not be more than1.one-eighth inch at a time2.one-quarter inch at a time3.one–half inch at a time4.one inch at a time3-29.3-30.3-31.Learning Objective: Identifythe characteristics of theA/P22P-6(V)2 and A/P22P-6A(V)2antiexposure assemblies.SRU–25/P rubber socksselected based on the aircrewmembers boot size1.True2.FalseWhen attachingThe A/P22P series antiexposureassemblies are designed to be a3-32.the rubber socks1. quick-donning type2. continuous wear type3. both 1 and 2 aboveto the antiexposure assembly, howmany stitches per inch are used?1.2 to 62.3 to 53.5 to74.8 to 10What is the only differencebetween the A/P22P-6(V)2 and theA/P22P-6A(V)2 antiexposureassemblies?Learning Objective: Maintain,repair, and place anti-g garmentsinto service.1. The type of coveralls2. The type of material3. The type of gloves4. The type of liner16
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