assembly to minimize roll and to provide the
proper degree of submergence of the seat in the
water. A safety strap is provided to assist the
survivor to remain in the seat during hoisting to
the helicopter. The flotation chamber and hoist
bracket of the seat are bright orange. The lower
seat assembly is yellow for high visibility.
The helicopter rescue seat is intended for use
in retrieving survivors and assisting the rescue
swimmer in performing rescue operations when
it is difficult to make a helicopter landing over
land or water.
When conducting a rescue, the helicopter
rescue seat is lowered on a hoist cable from a
helicopter to the rescue swimmer and survivor.
The rescue seat is designed to accommodate one
person at a time.
The aircrewmans responsibility for
maintenance of the rescue seat is limited to
freshwater wash after usage. Repairs or other
maintenance actions required are performed by
organizational-level maintenance or above.
All rescue seats are given a calendar inspection
upon issue and at intervals of 225 days. The
calendar inspection is a visual inspection. To
visually inspect the condition of the rescue seat,
proceed as follows:
1. Inspect all components for security of
attachment, corrosion, damage, wear, discolora-
tion, and ease of operation.
2. Check for sharp edges or projections.
3. Check material for imperfections or
4. Check safety strap for fraying or tears.
5. Compare markings on seat to markings
listed in applicable table in NAVAIR 13-1-6.5.
If the markings are faded, restore them with
black washproof ink. If marking is incorrect,
paint it out and enter the correct marking as close
to the proper location as possible, using black
washproof ink.
The rescue seat must be cleaned after every
immersion in salt water. Clean it as follows:
1. Wash the rescue seat with a mild soap and
water solution. Rinse well with fresh water.
2. Dry the rescue seat with a clean, dry, lint-
free cloth.
3. Return the seat to service.
The forest penetrator is bright yellow for high
visibility, and is a compact device weighing about
21 1/2 pounds. The forest penetrator is 34 inches
long and 8 1/8 inches in diameter with the three
seats retracted, and 26 inches in diameter with the
seats extended. Each seat is 4 3/4 inches wide, 11
1/2 inches long, and is spring-loaded in the
retracted position (flush against the shaft of the
penetrator). A spring-loaded retaining latch is
provided under each seat to secure the seat in the
extended position. To release the seat, push down
on the seat and pull down on the latch. The seat
then snaps back into the retracted position. Three
webbing safety straps are provided to hold the
survivors in place. Each strap extends 4 feet 9 1/4
inches, with an adjustable quick-ejector hook
attached to the upper section of the penetrator.
The straps terminate with a yellow fabric, marked
TIGHTEN. Yellow webbing tabs (with hook tape)
marked PULL OUT are sewn to the safety straps
for attachment to fabric cover stowage openings.
The yellow fabric cover has a 17-inch slide fastener
and three stowage openings (with pile tape for
securing safety straps). (See figure 5-16.)
Figure 5-16.Forest penetrator.