since the radio is activated when the aircrewman
leaves the aircraft.
The flexible wire antenna serves as the
principal antenna during descent. Upon landing,
the flexible antenna is removed by the air-
crewman, and a telescopic antenna that is built
into the radio is used.
The AN/URT-33A radio is battery-operated.
The battery is a mercury type with a storage life
of 24 months, provided that the storage tempera-
ture is 70°F. At a storage temperature of 100°F,
the storage life is only 12 months. For survival
equipment applications, such as rigid seat survival
kits and life rafts, the service life of the battery
assembly is 2 years from the date of manufacture,
225 days from the date placed into service, or 231
days for the SKU-2/A or RSSK-7 seat survival
kit. Ensure that the battery service life does not
expire prior to the next scheduled inspection of
the assembly in which the radio beacon set is
Transmitting Set, Radio AN/PRT-5 (fig.
5-11) is a battery-operated, emergency beacon
Figure 5-11.Transmitting set, radio, AN/PRT-5, identification of components.