InspectionsThere are three inspections/test intervals pre-scribed for this type of radio. (They are alsoprescribed for the AN/PRC-90.) The first daily/preflight is performed at the squadron level by theaircrewrnan. It is to be performed daily or prior toeach flight. It consists of a basic operational checkusing an AN/PRM-32 radio tester or with the aid ofa known good radio. Prior to testing the emergencyradio, you should call flight operations to informthem that you are going to test a radio.Every 90 days the radio must be inspected bythe PR at the organizational level. It is best tomake this inspection in conjunction with theinspection performed on the aircrewmen’spersonal survival equipment.The last of the three inspections is performedat the intermediate level (AIMD). This inspectionis performed every 180 days by personnel in theavionics rating.The testing procedures for all three inspectionsare outlined in NAVAIR 16-30PRC 90-2 for theBattery ReplacementThe Mallory battery will require frequentinspections to ensure that it hasn’t lost any of itsoperating life. When operating in a high-temperature area, the inspection should beconducted at least every 30 days. The service andshelf life of the battery expires 36 months fromthe date of manufacture. When the battery failsto produce the power for the radio to operate atmaximum operating range, you must replace it.Any battery that shows evidence of a swelling,chipped, or cracked surface, or moisture must becondemned and a new battery installed.AN/PRC-90 RADIO SETThe AN/PRC-90 (fig. 5-8) radio set is a dualchannel, battery-powered, personal emergencyrescue device used principally for two-day voiceor MCW (modulated continuous wave, which isused to send Morse code signals) communicationsbetween a downed aircrewman and a rescue air-craft. The radio transmits either voice. toneAN/PRC-90 radio and in63-1 for the AN/PRC-63.NAVAIR 16-30PRC(MCW), or swept-frequency homing beacon239.438Figure 5-8.—AN/PRC-90 controls and indicators.5-7
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