Figure 5-4.Mk 13 Mod 0 marine smoke and illumination
equipment bulletins. Any flares manufactured
before 1960 should also be removed from service.
The SDU-5/E light equips aircrew members
and shipboard personnel with a high-intensity
visual distress signal. The infrared filter and blue
flash guard, contained in the SRU-31/P survival
kit, are used in conjunction with the SDU-5/E
light for signaling purposes in combat areas.
The SDU-5/E is commonly called a strobe
light. It emits a high-intensity flashing light. This
light is visible for great distances at night.
The SDU-5/E strobe light requires an
inspection by the PR each time the aircrewmans
flight gear is inspected (every 90 days). The
aircrewman should perform a daily inspection to
ensure that the light is operative. The calendar
inspection consists of activating the light for 2
minutes. If the light does not operate at 50 flashes
per minute (plus or minus 10 flashes) for the
2-minute duration, replace the battery. Repeat the
procedure; if the light still does not operate,
remove the light from service.
You must perform this test both in total
darkness and also in a lighted area. Some lights
operate in a lighted area but do not operate in
TOTAL darkness.
You should store the batteries for the
SDU-5/E light in a cold area (refrigerator) to
prolong their service life and dependability.
To avoid causing possible night blindness to
the crewman by accidental activation, install the
SDU-5/E light in the SV-2 survival vest with the
dome down and a protective cap installed over
the switch.
The complete SRU-31/P kit consists of two
parts; the first packet contains medical items that
an aircrewman might need in an emergency
situation. The local medical department has
responsibility for the medical items that are
contained in packet number one.
Packet number two contains general survival
items. They are also intended to be used only in
an emergency situation.
Packet one and packet two are contained in
a carrying bag. Each packet can be replaced
individually. Each item within a packet is packed
in a transparent bag, which is hermetically sealed
and retained in place by means of hook-and-pile
tape. Additional adhesive-backed discs of hook-
and-pile tape are contained in the spare pocket
of each container.
The following items are contained in the
medical packet of the SRU-31/P kit:
Soap. Nonperfumed, intended to avoid
Instruction card. Provides general condensed
instructions on use of survival items.
Antidiarrhea tablets. Dosage rates listed
on instruction card. Expiration 4 years.
Pain killer (aspirin). Expiration date listed
on foil packet. Replace as required. Dosage rate
listed on instruction card.
Surgical tape. Ensure the package is intact and
sterile seal is not damaged.
Eye ointment. Expiration date of 5 years.
Water purification tablets. Manufacturers
date and applicable instructions listed on bottle.
Bandage (elastic). Ensure package is intact and
sterile seal is not damaged.
Insect repellent.