Learning Objective: Upon completion of this chapter, you will be able to
recognize, inspect, and maintain survival items and rescue equipment.
When an aircrewman has to leave his aircraft
in a hostile environment, survival items provide
a means of sustaining life, attracting the attention
of rescuers, and aid in evading the enemy.
Survival items may be packed in life rafts,
droppable kits, and kits intended to be carried or
worn by the aircrewman.
As an Aircrew Survival Equipmentman, your
responsibility to the aircrewman is to maintain
these survival items. You need to know how they
work and be able to pass that information on to
the aircrewman.
Many of the items that are frequently carried
by the aircrewman are discussed in the following
text. The ones that are not covered in this chapter
are described in the NAVAIR 13-1-6.5 manual.
The following items are used to attract the
attention of a rescue team. With the proper
knowledge, ability, and caution, these items can
provide invaluable assistance in a survival
The dye marker (fig. 5-1) is an aniline dye
powder in a sealed container. When placed in the
water, it produces a bright color that appears
orange or fluorescent green-depending on how
the light strikes it. It is used to attract the attention
of rescue aircraft. The dye is exhausted from the
package in 20 to 30 minutes and ceases to be a
good target after 1 hour. The dye-exposed water
Figure 5-1.Dye marker.
area is visible at an approximate distance of 10
miles from an altitude of 3,000 feet. If rapid
dispersion of the dye is desired, agitate the packet
of dye vigorously in the water.
The emergency signaling mirror is approxi-
mately 3 by 5 inches and consists of an aluminized
reflecting glass mirror, a back cover glass, and
a sighting device. It is used by personnel in rafts
or on land to attract the attention of passing
aircraft or ships by reflection, either in sunlight
or in hazy weather. The reflections of this
shatterproof mirror can be seen at a distance 3
to 5 times as great as those from which a raft can
be sighted at sea. On a clear sunny day, the mirror