Figure 4-23.Adjusting receiver assembly.
Figure 4-24.Marking helmet.
Figure 4-25.-Marking holes.
is necessary to peel back the pile fastener tape
inside the helmet to allow the attachment of the
bayonet receivers. Attach the receiver mechanism
assemblies to the helmet with the backup plate
inside the helmet. Note that the forward receiver
holes nearest the edge of the helmet need longer
screws. At this time you can replace the pile
fastener tape and replace the earcup assemblies.
It maybe necessary to use adhesive when replacing
the pile tape.
The concept of fitting as used here refers to
procedures required for necessary component
adjustment following oxygen mask assembly
buildup. Fitting instructions are provided only as
a general guide. Because of the wide variation in
facial shapes likely to be encountered, it is not
possible to present detailed guidance. A successful
fit depends largely on the skill and experience of
the Aircrew Survival Equipmentman in selecting
and adjusting the oxygen mask assembly to the
aircrew members face. Improperly fitted oxygen
masks do not provide a positive face seal for
pressure breathing and do not protect the aircrew
member in emergency situations.
Have the aircrew member don the helmet, and
ensure that the helmet nape strap has been
adjusted to a snug fit. Insert each bayonet into