The SPH-3C helmet protects the wearers head
during in-flight buffeting or crash landings. It is
designed to distribute impact forces over the entire
head, and to absorb these forces so that a mini-
mum amount of impact reaches the wearers head.
The SPH-3C helmet is supplied in two sizes, regu-
lar and extra large. The helmet consists of an outer
shell assembly, an inner foam liner, sizing liner,
inner cloth liner assembly, dual integrated visor,
communication cord set, and a microphone
The outer shell assembly is fabricated from
Kevlar and polyester resin, and it provides impact
and penetration protection. An edge roll, made
of neoprene foam, provides protection from the
helmet edges.
The inner foam liner is made of cellular
polystyrene sheets molded to fit the inside contour
of the outer shell. The liner is provided to absorb
and dissipate impact forces.
The sizing liner, which is optional, aids in
fitting the helmet to the aircrew members head
contour by padding the helmet at the nape of the
Sizing liners are provided in 1/4-, 1/2-, and
5/8-inch sizes.
The inner cloth liner assembly includes the
sonic earcup assemblies and foam pads for sizing
and comfort; it also has adjustable crown and
nape straps.
The dual integrated visor provides protection
from sun glare, dust, windblast, foreign particles,
and flash fires. The visors are protected by a
molded fiberglass housing when not in use. Two
visors, clear and neutral, are available. The
percentage of visible light transmittance of the
neutral visor is 8 to 16 percent. The percentage
of light transmittance of the clear visor is 87
percent or greater.
The communications cord set connects the
aircraft communications system to the helmet
earphones. The microphone adapter, located on
the helmet, allows attachment of a boom-type
The SPH-3C protective helmet must be
individually fitted to the aircrew member. For
maximum protection, comfort, and sound
attenuation, a good fit is a snug fit at the cheeks,
forehead, and nape of the neck. A loose fitting
helmet is more apt to produce pressure areas and
If the helmet moves independently of the head,
readjust the sizing liners, spacers, and adjusting
straps. If necessary, file and sand the nose
indentation to fit the contour of the aircrew
members nose. Ensure that the visor at the nose
indentation is free of nicks and roughness.
Maintenance Procedures
Minimal maintenance, which is cleaning the
visor and outer shell, can be performed by the air-
crew member as needed. All other maintenance
operations must be performed upon issue and at
least every 90 days thereafter by qualified person-
nel at the lowest level of maintenance possible.
Inspect the sizing liners and inner foam liner
for looseness, re-cement where applicable, and re-
place worn or torn sizing liners. Inspect the shell
assembly for cracks, dents, scratches, splits, and
delamination. Inspect all hardware for damage
and security of attachment, tighten or replace
hardware as necessary. Inspect straps, communi-
cations cord set, earphones, and dual visor as-
sembly for damage. Replace parts as necessary.
The visor may be cleaned with mild soap and
water and dried with a soft, clean cloth. To
remove minor scratches or remaining soiled areas,
use acrylic plastic polish.
To preserve the visors plastic surface, use
polishing wax for the final application. Do not
use solvent or abrasive-type cleaners.
The oxygen mask is the final link in conveying
oxygen from the aircraft system to the user. A
- satisfactory regulator and oxygen system or a full
cylinder of oxygen is of little value to a pilot if
his oxygen mask is not operating properly in every
The oxygen mask is the pilots personal
equipment; that is, after initial fitting, they are
retained by the individual. Fitting, adjustments,
maintenance, cleaning, and incorporating
modifications are the responsibility of the PR.
The important factor to remember about
identifying any oxygen mask is its compatibility
with the oxygen system with which the mask is
to be mated.
Oxygen mask assemblies are designed to be
worn over the face, forming a seal to the cheeks
over the bridge of the nose and under the chin.
The mask is designed for use with a regulator,
which provides breathing gas (100-percent oxygen
or oxygen diluted with air) upon demand at a
pressure schedule dependent on the altitude. The
mask can also be used with continuous-flow