Visual Inspection
There is one basic inspection that you must
perform on the helmetthe calendar inspection.
In addition, the aircrew member is responsible for
a preflight/postflight inspection before and after
each flight.
Calendar Inspection
The calendar inspection is conducted by
organizational-level activities upon issue and every
90 days thereafter. The 90-day inspection consists
of a visual inspection, functional check, and a
thorough cleaning.
NOTE: Every other calendar inspection,
or every 180 days, the chin strap, nape
strap pad, ear seals, and skull cap must be
To visually inspect the helmet, you must make
a thorough sight inspection for broken parts,
security of attached parts, loose or broken
stitchings, and also inspect the earcups for sound
attenuation and pliability.
Functional Check
The functional check is performed with the aid
of a REDAR oxygen hose test set. If this unit is
not available, standard shop procedures should
be performed. Refer to NAVAIR 17-15BC-7 for
the proper testing sequence.
The SPH-3C helmet, shown in figure 4-16, is
designated for use by all helicopter aircrew
Figure 4-16.SPH-3c protective helmet.