Calendar InspectionAll rescue hooks get a calendar inspectionupon issue and at intervals to coincide with theaircraft cycle. In no case shall the intervalsbetween calendar inspections exceed 225 days. Thecalendar inspection consists of the following visualinspection:1. Inspect for missing, bent, fractured ordamaged components.2. Check hardware for security of attachment,corrosion, wear, and ease of operation.3. Check for sharp edges and projections.CleaningClean the rescue hook after every immersionin salt water. To clean the rescue hook, proceedas follows:1. Clean devices with an acceptable cleaningagent.2. Remove all foreign objects with low-pressure air.3. Lubricate all moveable parts of the rescuehook. Wipe off excess lubricant with a clean, dry,lint-free cloth.4. Return the rescue hook assembly to ser-vice.HOIST QUICK-SPLICE PLATEThe hoist quick-splice plate is made of1/4-inch aluminum, 6 5/8 inches in length by 3inches wide. The corners are rounded off andholes are grooved in places where the hoist cablerests. A stainless steel clip, 1/32 inch thick, isattached to the plate with two, 5/32-inch steelrivets. A rescue hook is attached to the plate withthimbles, swaging sleeve, and a length of hoistcable. The distance between the rescue hook andthe plate is 6 inches. (See figure 5-21.)The hoist quick-splice plate is used when thehoist cable is cut or broken during a rescueoperation. It is used when time is a factor and noother means are available for rescue.239.410Figure 5-21.—Hoist quick-splice plate.MaintenanceThe aircrewman’s responsibility for mainte-nance of the hoist quick-splice plate is limited togiving it a freshwateractions are performedmaintenance or above.Calendar Inspectionwash. Repairs or otherby organizational-levelAll hoist quick-splice plates are given acalendar inspection upon issue and at intervals of225 days. The calendar inspection consists of avisual inspection for bends, corrosion, sharpedges, and projections.CleaningYou have to clean the hoist quick-splice plateafter every immersion in salt water. To clean it,proceed as follows:1. Clean with an acceptable cleaning agent.2. Dry with a lint-free cloth.CABLE GRIPThe cable grip (which opens and closes on thecable) and a shackle enable the cable grip to beattached to the crewman’s safety belt to take theweight off the hoist assembly during a hoist5-21
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