239.411Figure 5-22.—Cable grip.failure. The cable grip is capable of supporting1,000 pounds. (See figure 5-22.)The cable grip is an emergency conditiondevice used by personnel performing rescueoperations from a helicopter when the rescue hoisthas a malfunction that renders the hoistinoperable. The cable grip is used for quicktemporary attachment to the hoist cable.MaintenanceThe aircrewman’s responsibility formaintenance of the cable grip is limited to afreshwater wash and to informing maintenancecontrol that it has been used. Repairs or otheractions required are performed by organizational-level maintenance or above.Calendar InspectionAll cable grips are subject to a calendarinspection upon issue and at intervals of 225 days.To inspect the condition of the cable grip, proceedas follows:1. Inspect for missing, bent, fractured ordamaged components.2. Check hardware for security of attachment,corrosion, wear, and ease of operation.3. Check for sharp edges and projections.CleaningClean the cable grip every time it has beenimmersed in salt water. To clean it, proceed asfollows:1. Clean devices with an acceptable cleaningagent.2. Remove all foreign objects with low-pressure air.3. Lubricate all movable parts of the cablegrip with lubricating oil. Wipe off any excess oilwith clean, dry, lint-free cloth.PNEUMATIC RESCUE HAND TOOLThe pneumatic rescue hand tool is a cartridge-operated device. A chamber within the handlesecures a 3,000 psi nitrogen gas cylinder, whichprovides a very powerful force against the cuttingblade.The case is made of nylon webbing, 12 1/2inches long and 5 3/4 inches wide at thetop, tapering to 3 1/4 inches wide at thebottom. A 46-inch lanyard and baby swivel hook,attached to the upper grommet, are designed for5-22
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