The Red Cross (Geneva Convention) flag is the
distinctive mark flown from the after truck of a
hospital ship of the Navy in commission.
In general, the Red Cross flag is regarded as an
international guarantee of amnesty from attack It is
displayed ashore at the sanitary branch (dispensary or
infirmary) of an activity of the Navy, in company with
the national flag, to indicate that the area immediately
surrounding it is entitled to protection under the rules
of the Geneva Convention. None of the military
services, however, flies it on the same halyard as the
national flag. Boats engaged in sanitary service and
landing party hospital boats display the Red Cross flag
from a staff in the bow.
All activities authorized to fly the national ensign
are encourage to fly the POW/MIA flag on occasions
such as Memorial Day, Veterans Day, and National
Ships are to display the flag from the inboard port
signal halyard. Ashore display should be beneath the
national ensign. The POW/MIA flag can also be used
for indoor display to enhance ceremonies.
Some nations in the Middle East regard the cross
as a symbol contrary to their religious beliefs. Instead
of a red cross on the flag, they use designs such as a
red crescent on a white field or a red lion and sun on
a white field as an indication of a mission of mercy or
amnesty from attack
When not under way, ships should fly award
pennants at the foremast from sunrise to sunset, on the
same halyard, one below the other, in order of
seniority. When ashore, award pennants may be
displayed in the order of seniority from the port
yardarm at U.S. naval activities. For commands
without an appropriate flagpole, a replica of the award
flag or pennant may be displayed in or near the vicinity
of the commands quarterdeck. When an award flag or
pennant is awarded to a department or division within
a command, a replica may be displayed in or near the
main entrance to that department or division.
With the sole exception of flag displays at United
Nations headquarters, where special rules apply, only
the church or Jewish pennant may be flown above the
national ensign. The church services must be
conducted by a Navy chaplain or visiting church
dignitaries aboard ship.
Many ships are fitted with two halyards to the same
point of hoist at both the staff and gaff to permit display
of the church pennant and ensign simultaneously.
In displaying the church pennant, it is hoisted to
the peak or truck, the ensign then being dipped just
clear of it. If services are being conducted at the time
of morning colors, the ensign is hoisted to the truck at
the prescribed time. The church pennant is then
hoisted and the ensign dipped just clear of the pennant.
If the ensign is displayed at half-mast, the church
pennant is hoisted just above the ensign. In lowering
the church pennant, the ensign is closed up before the
pennant is lowered.
When a ship is not under way, the absence of an
embarked officer, unit commander, chief of staff, chief
staff officer, or commanding officer is indicated from
sunrise to sunset by an absentee pennant displayed
from the signal yardarm as prescribed in the following
table. In the case of the absence of the commanding
officer who is also a unit commander or acting as a
temporary unit commander, both absentee pennants
will be displayed.
FIRST SUBstarboard
SECOND SUBport inboard Absence of chief of staff or chief
staff officer of the commander
whose personal flag is flying on
this ship.
Although the church pennant maynotbeflownabove
the national flag ashore, it may be displayed separately.
The Jewish worship pennant is displayed during
Jewish religious services afloat and ashore. The same
rules governing the display of the church pennant
apply to the display of the Jewish worship pennant.
THIRD SUBport outboard
Absence of commanding officer
(its use immediately shifts to the
executive officer when the
commanding officer departs for
a period of absence of 72 hours
or more).
FOURTH SUBstarboard
Absence of a flag officer or unit
commander whose personal flag
or command pennant is flying
on this ship.
Absence of civil or military
official whose flag is flying on
this ship.