1. Usually two people hold the flag while folding
it into proper form. If no one is available to assist you,
lay the flag on deck, hoist end away, with the ring to
your left and snap to your right.
2. Fold the flag to your right so that the left half
just covers the right half.
3. Repeat step 2.
4. Fold up the fly end to a position about
three-quarters of the way toward the hoist.
5. Roll the flag tightly from the fold toward the
6. About 2 inches from each end of the resulting
roll, wrap two turns of white twine around the roll. Tie
7. Repeat step 6.
8. With the tail line, take a full turn around the
twine near the ring, repeating the operation for the twine
at the other end of the roll.
9. Repeat step 8.
The flag is now ready for the break. Clear the
halyard, bend on the flag, and run it up smartly. A
sharp downward pull on the halyard will snap the
twine and break the flag.
The national ensign is never made up for the
breaking, but is always hoisted briskly and smartly.
In chapter 5 you were taught flaghoist
terminology, flaghoist essentials, how to read
flaghoists, the parts of a flaghoist message, and how
to execute flaghoist signals. You were given a brief
description of the Allied Maritime Tactical Signal and
Maneuvering Book and were taught how to answer,
acknowledge, relay, receipt, and cancel a flaghoist
signal. You were given the meanings of single flags
and pennants and emergency signals. You were taught
the basic maneuvering flags and how to use them. You
were taught how to make up a flag for the break and
what flags should be made up. FLAGS, its up to you
to put forth the effort to become the best!