executive signal will be made by light as the flag signal
is hauled down.
Task Organization Call Sign
If a special flaghoist task organization call sign
appears in the hoist, the numeral flag will be spelled out
and the numeral pennant transmitted in Morse code.
Example: Task Force 56Six 56
Substitutes, when used as the first flag in the hoist,
will be transmitted as FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, or
General relaying procedures are discussed in
chapter 4. The following paragraphs contain
additional instructions for flaghoist.
Signals are to be relayed by any ship in position
to help do so. Whenever practicable, ships repeating
the OTC's signal are to do so on halyards
corresponding to his/hers.
If the OTC hauls down a signal before all ships
have acknowledged, ships that have answered the
signal (at the dip) hoist it close up and haul down
immediately. Relaying ships are to pass the signal by
light to ships for which they are responsible that have
not acknowledged the signal.
Signals relayed from the OTC are relayed at the
dip, then hoisted close up when the ships addressed
have acknowledged. The originator is not indicated.
In relaying signals from ship to ship, the originating
ship hoists FIRST SUB followed by her call sign, the
addressees' call signs, and the text. FIRST SUB may be
omitted if the identity of the originator will be evident to
all ships within visual communication range. The
relaying ship hoists FIRST SUB above the call sign of
the originator close up, followed by the addressees call
signs and the text at the dip.
When individual ships relay signals to the OTC,
the procedure is the same as for ship-to-ship relaying
except that the call sign of the OTC is considered to
be understood and is omitted.
procedures for making up a flag for the break.
List flags that should be always made up for the
The practice of breaking pre-positioned flags
and pennants has been followed for many years and is
a sign of a smart ship. Flags and pennants should be
made up and ready for the break in the following
Man overboard
Breakdown of the ship
Assuming the guide
Displaying absence indicators
Displaying personal flags and pennants
BREAKAWAY, and PREP during replenish-
ment operations
The first two occasions, in particular, signal
emergencies requiring fast action.
To make up a flag for the break, follow the steps
illustrated in figure 5-9. The numbered steps
correspond to the numbers under each part of the
Figure 5-9.Making up a flag for the break.