The following signals are designed to direct the
ship's boat during recovery operations and to help the
Signalman relay information to the ship:
Ship to BoatThe following signals are given at
night to direct a recovery operation:
One white starSteer straight away from the ship
One red starSteer left (to port)
One green starSteer right (to starboard)
Two green starsSteer straight toward the ship
Two red starsReturn to ship
Two white starsSteady on present course
Boat to ShipThe following signals are
nighttime boat signals used to inform the ship of the
One white starHave recovered man
One red starNeed assistance
One green starCannot find man
The kits are kept in a specially designed stowage box
that is retained on the bridge while at sea. All signal
personnel must know the exact location of the stowage
box and must know how to load and fire the projector
Pyrotechnic ammunition is a fire hazard. It forms
a hot fire that is difficult to extinguish. Most types
furnish their own oxygen upon combustion.
Pyrotechnic ammunition must be protected against the
direct rays of the sun, high temperatures, absorption
of moisture, corrosion, and rough handling.
The signal projector's trigger screw must be
checked frequently to ensure that it is tight. A loose
trigger can release prematurely and cause injury.
Pyrotechnic ammunition must be inspected
periodically to ensure that they are not dented or
corroded. Damaged signals should be reported at once
to the signal officer, who will make the necessary
report to the weapons officer.
Flashing Light
Table 8-3 shows ship-to-boat and boat-to-ship
flashing light signals.
Table 8-3.Flashing Light Signals.
Steer straight away from ship.
Flash series of 'A's.
Answer with series of A's.
Steer straight toward ship.
Flash series of 'T's.
Answer with series of T's.
Standby for port turn.
Flash series of 'P's.
Answer with series of 'P's.
Commence slow port turn.
Steady light.
Steady light.
Stop turn, steady on present course.
Drop steady.
Drop steady.
Standby for stbd turn.
Flash series of S's.
Answer with series of S's.
Commence slow stbd turn.
Steady light.
Steady light.
Stop turn, steady on present course.
Drop steady.
Drop steady.
Return to ship.
Flash series of Q's.
Answer with series of Q's.
Need assistance.
Flash series of A's.
Flash RRR'.
Have recovered man.
Flash series of R's.
Flash RRR'.
Cannot find man.
Flash series of C's.
Flash RRR'.