procedure for the executive method is governed by the
following rules:
Only abbreviated plaindress messages may be
used with the executive method.
Executive method messages do not carry a time
A message that requires a signal of execution
carries the prosign IX immediately before the first BT.
When using the executive signal, IX (5-second
flash), the IX is effectively a stand by and should be
repeated as often as necessary to ensure that all ships
have received the stand by and are awaiting the order to
execute. The moment of execution will be the
completion of the 5-second flash. In both directional
and non-directional procedures, all ships repeat the IX
being made to ensure the signal is ready for execution
and repeat the executive signal (5-second flash) to
ensure simultaneous execution.
The executive signal IX (5-second flash) alone
after a call means Execute all unexecuted messages
transmitted by this station (by the executive method) to
the same call.
Requests for repetitions, corrections, or
verifications of the texts of signals taken from a naval
signal book must be for the entire text or for those
portions separated by TACK. If there are more than two
TACKS in any signal, further amplification by use of
the nearest whole signal is required.
Delayed Executive Method
When the delayed executive method is used,
receiving stations receipt for the message, and the
signal of execution is made in a later transmission.
Example: C8 transmits directly to C6:
Immediate Executive Method
In the immediate executive method, the text is sent
twice separated by IMI. The executive signal, IX
(5-second flash), is made at the end of this
transmission. As a receipt cannot be obtained before
execution of the message, the use of the immediate
executive method must be authorized by the officer
originating the message. Directional procedure may
be used with a single ship. Non-directional procedure
must be employed if signaling with two or more ships
at night. Immediate executive method is not normally
used during daylight when signaling two or more ships
unless the originating ship is fitted with DSL. It is not
to be used with directional flashing light when
employing no-response procedures. Examples of
immediate executive signals are located in ACP 129;
study these examples to better familiarize yourself
with executive method procedures.
Canceling Messages
Once the executive signal has been made, a
message cannot be canceled. An executive method
message awaiting execution can only be canceled by
a separate non-executive method message. To cancel
all messages awaiting execution, the prosign NEGAT
is transmitted. NEGAT preceded by a call cancels all
executive method messages addressed to that call. To
cancel only one message or portion of several
messages awaiting execution, the prosign NEGAT
must be followed by identification data, consisting of
a repetition of the text that is desired to be canceled.
When communicating with aircraft, keep the
following points in mind:
1. Flashing is only possible when the aircraft is
occupying certain positions relative to the line of sight
from the station from which the flashing is taking place.
Because of the aircraft's rapid movement, the time
during which it is in a favorable position for signaling
is very short.
2. The signaler in the aircraft may have no one to
write down the message for him/her. He/she may have
to read the whole message, and write it down from
memory or write down each word before sending a
flash. It may, therefore, be advisable with a long
message to use the double-flash procedure.