CP 1SAR aircraft is coming to your assistance.
Questions concerning the same basic subject or
basic signal:
DYVessel (name or identity signal) has sunk in
lat. . . long. . .
DY 4What is the depth of water where vessel
Answers to question or request made by the basic
HXHave you received any damage in collision?
HX 1I have received serious damage above the
Supplementary, specific, or detailed information:
INI require a diver.
IN 1I require a diver to clear propeller.
General signal complements appearing in the text
are grouped into three tables. These tables should be
used only as and when specified in the text of the
signals. The tables of complements are as follows:
Table 1Communication
1. Morse signaling by hand flags or arms
2. Loud hailer (megaphone)
3. Morse signaling lamp
4. Sound signals
Table 2Logistics
0. Water
1. Provisions
2. Fuel
3. Pumping equipment
4. Fire-fighting appliances
5. Medical assistance
6. Towing
7. Survival craft
8. Vessel to stand by
9. Icebreaker
Table 3Compass Directions
0. Direction unknown (or calm)
1. Northeast
2. East
3. Southeast
4. South
5. Southwest
6. West
7. Northwest
8. North
9. All directions (or confused or variable)
The medical signal complements are grouped into
three separate tables. As for the general signal
complements, the tables should be used only as and
when specified in the text of the signals. The medical
signal complement tables are as follows:
Table M-1Regions of the body
Table M-2List of common diseases
Table M-3List of medicaments
Cross-references should be used when you are
dealing with signals of same subject. These references
are found in the right column. Before making
additional reference to the index, use extensive
cross-references to facilitate coding.
ELSee right column for cross-reference
In this chapter you learned how to communicate
with merchantmen using flaghoist, flashing light,
Morse signaling by hand flag or arms, sound, and
radiotelephony. You were taught the international
distress signals and about the use of the U.S./Russia
supplementary signals. Now it is up to you to put what
you have learned to use.