a. Ships, Boats, and Landing Craft
Central Control Ship
Assistant Central Control Ship
Primary Control Ship
Secondary Control Ship
Approach Lane Marker Ship
Boat Group Commander (Traffic Control Officer)
Assistant Boat Group Commander (Senior Salvage
Boat Wave Commander
Wave Displacement Landing Craft
Salvage Boats
Medical Boats
Floating Dumps
b. Ocean Markers and Navigation Aids
Channel, port side
Channel, Starboard side
c. Screened Wake Lights
1st Wave
2nd Wave
3rd Wave
4th Wave
5th Wave
6th Wave
7th Wave
8th Wave
Successive Waves
Note: Two lights, horizontal, 3 feet apart.
2, vertical, blinking WHITE
2, vertical, blinking, color to be designated
1, steady, directed seaward, same color as beach
(all-around after 1st wave touches down)
1, blinking, same color as beach
1, steady, same color as beach, directed seaward
3 wake lights, vertical, 1 foot apart, same color as
beach (convertible to all-around)
3 wake lights, horizontal, 2 feet apart, RED
(convertible to all-around)
2 wake lights, vertical, 1 foot apart, same color as wave
1 or 2 wake lights, horizontal, colored (see c)
3 wake lights, horizontal, 2 feet apart, RED
(convertible to all-round)
3, vertical, steady, 1 foot apart, GREEN, all-around
2 or 3 vertical (1 steady GREEN over 1 to 2 cargo
colors, 2 feet apart (see figure 12-12)
Blinking WHITE over blinking RED
Blinking GREEN
Blinking RED
Blinking WHITE
2 RED (see note)
2 BLUE (see note)
2 AMBER (see note)
2 GREEN (see note)
Repeat entire sequence
Figure 12-10.Wave Lights requirements.
Figure 12-11.Boat team paddle.
Departure time sequence is shown in figure 12-13.
For a 5-minute standby for wave one, the ONE flag
will be placed at the dip. The nighttime signal is a
steady RED light for 30 seconds. For a 2-minute
standby, the ONE flag is closed up, and the nighttime
signal is a flashing RED light for 30 seconds. The
nighttime signal for a l-minute standby is a flashing
RED light for 50 seconds, then a 10-second steady
RED light. There is no daytime signal for a l-minute