Multipurpose Lamp
When using the portable multipurpose light
(discussed in chapter 2) in a small boat, bear in mind
that (1) it requires extra effort to keep the light
accurately trained because of the boat's possible
extreme pitch and roll, and that (2) consequently your
rate of sending must be slower than normal.
When signaling by semaphore, use normal
procedure but, again, transmit at a reduced rate of
speed. If you have a poor background for sending,
Signalmen on the ship may have difficulty reading
your message.
F l a g h o i s t
The following signals are used to direct a lifeboat
by flaghoist:
EIGHTSteer straight away from the ship.
EIGHT PORTSteer left; when hauled down,
cease turn and steady on present course.
EIGHT STBDSteer right; when hauled down,
cease turn and steady on present course.
EIGHT SCREENSteer straight toward ship.
QUEBECReturn to ship.
Personnel Qualification Standard for Visual
Communications, NAVEDTRA 43354A, section 308,
must be completed before a person can be qualified as
a boat Signalman.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Explain the duties
of the in-port duty Signalman.
The duties of the in-port duty Signalman range
from standing a visual watch on the signal bridge to
being a member of the rescue and assistance detail.
Whatever your duty is, you as a Signalman must
perform it to the best of your ability. Some of the duties
you will perform in port are discussed in the following
Signal watches in port are normally stood between
the hours of sunrise and sunset unless SOPA requires
that a 24-hour visual watch be maintained.
Signalmen on watch are required to report to the
OOD all ships departing and arriving in port and the
movement of small boats in the harbor, and to provide
the OOD with advance warning of possible passing
The in-port duty Signalman is responsible for
hoisting and hauling down PREP for sunrise, morning,
and evening colors, and frequently signals morning
and evening colors by whistle.
The Signalman on watch also assures that the
appropriate absentee indicator flies when the senior
officers are ashore, and hauls it down when the officers
return to the ship.
Semaphore and flashing light are used in port for
administrative traffic. Signal watches in port are as
important as those at sea. Because fewer personnel are
available for each watch, a signal watch in port can be
more difficult than one at sea.
Occasionally, a destroyer or smaller ship may get
a tender to take its visual guard. Another possibility is
that the squadron flagship may assign a rotating guard
among ships in a nest. More frequentlyespecially
aboard larger shipseach ship maintains its own
visual watch in port.
Before standing the duty as an in-port duty
you must complete Personnel
Qualification Standard for Visual Communications,
NAVEDTRA 43354A, section 307.
day and night storm-warning signals.
The combinations of storm-warning flags,
pennants, and light signals in figure 8-5 are hoisted or
displayed at weather bureau facilities and other shore
stations in the United States and its possessions to
warn and indicate the severity of storms in the area. It
should be noted that the four day and night
storm-warning signals and their meanings are not
international in their usage. The ability of a Signalman