emergency signals for aircraft, submarines, and
While on the bridge, you should be particularly
alert for emergency signals in your area.
An aircraft in distress will rock its wings initially
to attract attention and to establish visual contact, and
subsequently to acknowledge receipt of signals. An
aircraft pilot may also rock the aircraft's wings on a
cross-wind leg to indicate that he/she is unable to take
a wave-off.
The signals contained in table 8-1 may be given
by pilots in emergency situations over the seas:
A ship capable of recovering an aircraft in distress
will Make use of the visual signals shown in table 8-2.
Special signals used by a ship not capable of
recovering an aircraft in distress are the following:
Flashing a white R is used initially to confirm
visual contact and subsequently to acknowledge
receipt of the signal.
Flashing a red G indicates that the OTC has
given permission for the aircraft in distress to
approach the recovery ship.
Table 8-1.Signals from an aircraft in distress
1. Rocking wings.
Initially, to attract attention and help establish visual
contact. Subsequently to acknowledge receipt of
signals. On crosswind leg of landing circuits
indicates inability to take a wave-off.
2. Firing RED flare.
R e q u i r e e m e r g e n c y l a n d i n g . C o n s i d e r e d
IMMEDIATE unless other information is received.
3. Firing GREEN flare.
Any early landing is necessary in the interest of safety
but can orbit for a short time.
4. Series of SHORT flashes.
5. Series of LONG flashes.
Require IMMEDIATE emergency landing.
Require emergency landing but can accept short
6. Fly up the port side of the ship, low and close aboard, rocking wings,
I desire immediate landing.
in a landing configuration with hooks DOWN. Navigation lights
BRIGHT & STEADY with anti-collision lights ON. If turning final in
the VHF pattern or approaching final on a CCA, momentarily turn on
taxi light, if available.
7. Fly up the port side of the ship with landing gear UP, hook DOWN,
I desire to land but can wait for the next recovery.
navigation lights BRIGHT & STEADY, and anti-collision light OFF
while abeam the ship.
B. Fly up the port side of the ship, rocking wings, with landing gear and I am proceeding to the BINGO field.
hook UP, navigation lights BRIGHT & STEADY, and anti-collision light
ON. If fuel state and nature of the emergency permit, continue making
passes until joining by a wingman. Upon reaching BINGO fuel state,
proceed alone, setting IFF/SlF to emergency when departing.
9. Flashing R.
To acknowledge receipt of message.
10. (Helicopter) fly close aboard starboard quarter, remaining clear of I require immediate landing.
other traffic, with gear DOWN and floodlights/landing light ON. With
complete electrical failure, fire a red flare to seaward.
11. (Helicopter) fly or hover on the starboard side of the ship, low and
I desire to land but can wait for the next recovery.
close aboard with navigation lights BRIGHT & FLASHING and
anticollision lights ON.