Figure 8-2.Visual communications log (page 2 of 2).
based on the communications center's current guard
list. This file is subdivided by general message title
and filed in serial number order. General message files
are given the classification of the highest classified
message contained within.
To learn more about the communications center
master file, cryptocenter file, and general message file,
you need to visit your local radio shack.
The signal supervisor is responsible for all
publications issued to the signal bridge. Because many
of the publications are classified, they must be
safeguarded. Others may be in limited supply. All are
essential for efficient operation of the signal bridge.
To provide positive control of communications
publications, a watch-to-watch inventory similar to
the one shown in figure 8-3 should be used.
At the change of each watch, the watches will
jointly conduct a sight inventory of every publication.
Some loose-leaf publications require a page check at
the change of the watch in addition to the sight
inventory. These loose-leaf publications will be
specifically indicated on the watch-to-watch
inventory. The signing of the watch-to-watch
inventory by the relieving watch certifies that the
publications were sighted, that the required page
checks were conducted, and that the relieving watch
stander is responsible for them. Any discrepancies
noted must be resolved before the watch is relieved.
All signatures must be in ink. Watch-to-watch
inventories of communications publications may be
destroyed after 30 days provided they are no longer
required for local reference. On board ships, if an
inventory is not conducted on a watch-to-watch basis,
a daily inventory is required.