NATIONAL ENSIGNThe following rules govern the display of thenational ensign in port and under way.In PortWhen not under way, commissioned ships displaythe ensign from the flagstaff at the stern and the unionjack from the jackstaff at the bow from 0800 to sunset.In the case of a mastless ship, the ensign will bedisplayed from the loftiest hoist on board. Afterentering a foreign port during darkness, a Navy shipbriefly displays the ensign from the gaff at first lightto establish nationality. Other ships of war presentcustomarily display their ensigns in return.According to SECNAVINST 10520.4, the oldestship in the Navy, as identified by the Chief of NavalOperations, is to display the first Navy jack, in lieu ofthe union jack, at the jackstaff.Under WayWhen flown under way during peacetime, theensign normally is displayed during daylight from thegaff (or triatic stay in the case of those ships withmast-mounted booms and stays, which wouldinterfere with the hoisting, lowering, or flying of thenational ensign) under the following situations unlessotherwise directed by the senior officer present:Getting under way or mooring/anchoringFalling in with other shipsCruising near landWhen engaged in battleWhen cruising under wartime conditions, it iscustomary to fly the national ensign continuously atsea, since battle action may be regarded as alwaysimminent.The union jack is not flown under way except inthe case to denote a general court-martial or court ofinquiry is in session. In that case, it is flown from asignal yardarm.Size of Ensign/Jack for Shipboard UseTable 10-l shows the appropriate size of theensign and jack to be used aboard your ship.Remember that the union jack must be the same sizeas the union portion of the ensign being flown fromthe flagstaff.Shore Display of the National EnsignThe national ensign is displayed from 0800 untilsunset at all U.S. naval activity headquarters. Thefollowing are additional rules that apply to the displayof the national ensign:No other flag or pennant will be displayed aboveor, if on the same level, to the right of the ensign.Table 10-1.—Sizes of Ensigns and Jacks for Shipboard UseLENGTHHOLIDAYDAILYSHIPFLAGJACKSENSIGNJACKSENSIGNJACKSTAFFSTAFFIDIMENSIONDIMENSIONIDIMENSIONDIMENSIONZZEELess 100'10'Jackstaffs with83'6"1' 10 9/16"102' 4 7/16"(See Note 1)anchor lights6' 7 3/4"×××mounted thereon2' 7 5/16"4'6"100'-150'12'shall be ofsufficient height83'6"1' 10 9/16"102' 4 7/16"(See Note 1)so as to conform×××to Rules of tbe6' 7 3/42' 7 5/16" 4'6"151'-200'15'Road75' 0"2' 8 l/4"83'6"1' 10 9/16"××××9' 6"3' 9 5/8"6' 7 3/4"2' 7 15/16"201'-450'17'75' 0"2' 8 l/4”83'6"1' 10 9/16"××9'6"3' 9 5/8"×6' 7 3/4"2' 7 15/16"451'-UP22'58' 11 3/8"4' 9 13/16"75'0"2' 8 l/4"××××17' 0"6' 9 5/8"9'6"3' 9 5/8"10-2
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