In connection with circuit logs, the following
terms identify the requirements of different types of
radio watches:
GuardA continuous receiver watch with a
transmitter ready for immediate use. A complete log
is kept.
CoverA continuous receiver watch. A
transmitter is tuned and available, but not necessarily
immediately. A complete log is required.
CopyA continuous receiver watch with a
complete log.
ListenA continuous receiver watch. A complete
log is optional, but all traffic of interest to own ship
must be logged.
Although logs may be kept manually, automatic
recording devices should be used whenever possible
on circuits requiring complete logs.
Because it is easy to confuse the sound of certain
letters, such as B and D, or C and Z, letters of the
alphabet are never spoken as such. Instead, their
phonetic equivalents are used. See table 4-1 for the
phonetic alphabet. When signals from naval signal
Table 4-1.Phonetic Alphabet