detailed explanations of permissible operational Status
category codes.
Item TFleet Assigned Code. A single-character
code used to show that a unit is being or has been
physically relocated in conjunction with an operational
category change. This code should reflect the ultimate
destination of the ship or unit. Refer to OPNAVINST
5442.2 for a list of fleet assigned codes.
Item UMid-Term. This item is used by naval air
rework facilities and commercial rework facilities only
to report an aircraft that is entering mid-term special
rework. Item U is reported as Ml. Ml indicates first
mid-term rework and appears only in the initial
in-service OPNAV XRAY report that is submitted by
the rework facility. Subsequent mid-terms are reported
as M2, M3, and so forth, as required.
Item VAircraft Location. Entries are required
in item V on each OPNAV XRAY report except part I,
location change. Enter name of the ship, station, or
facility where the aircraft is physically located. Do not
include activity designation or ship type and hull
number (for example, CV-67, USS, NAS, NAF, or
Item W, X, YUnassigned.
Item ZDelete/Correct. Item Z is used for
correction of erroneous OPNAV XRAY reports.
Remarks: Entries are required in the Remarks
section of all OPNAV XRAY report transactions. Refer
to the latest edition of OPNAVINST 5442.2 for Action
codes that require specific remarks.
Multiple Action OPNAV XRAY Reports
Multiple OPNAV XRAY report actions may be
reported with one message as long as the message
involves one controlling and one reporting custodian.
The heading of a message that reports multiple actions
is the same as the headings for a message that reports
single actions. Items for the first action are arranged in
a vertical column on the left side of the page. The
second action, also arranged vertically, falls to the right
of the first as a second column. Additional actions are
arranged likewise. Multiple transactions are made only
when more than one aircraft is involved, and may not
be submitted on the same aircraft. Figure 7-2 illustrates
a multiple action OPNAV XRAY message as the
message would be prepared by an AZ for transmission.
The first action reports that BUNO 114929 is
undergoing special rework for modification. The
second action reports that BUNO 113841 is also
undergoing special rework. The revised estimated
completion date is also reported.
Whenever a reporting custodian moves from one
location to another, whether the move is aboard ship or
to another station, that fact must be reported by
OPNAV XRAY message to the controlling custodian
with an information copy to the CNO and
COMNAVAIRSYSCOM. The heading and subject
line are the same as for a routine OPNAV XRAY
message. Refer to OPNAVINST 5442.2 for specific
remarks required for change of location OPNAV
XRAY reports.
Items A through F, and V are required on all
OPNAV XRAY reports except part I, change of
location reports. What other element is required
on all OPNAV XRAY reports?
What "INFO addressee must appear on all
OPNAV XRAY reports?
What items of information make up the SUBJ
line of an OPNAV XRAY report?
The office of what officia1 assigns and maintains
the master bureau number listing?
How should the date 07 Dec 96 appear in item C
of the OPNAV XRAY report?
What OPNAV XRAY Action codes are used to
report changes in aircraft custody?
What OPNAV XRAY Action code is used to report
a change in aircraft model designation?
What OPNAV XRAY Status code should be used
to describe an aircraft in the process of an
Aircraft Service Period Adjustment (ASPA)
How many different categories of Strike and
Damage codes are used in aircraft inventory
What category of aircraft Strike and Damage
code is used to report substantially damaged but
repairable aircraft?
Item N on the OPNAV XRAY report is used to
report the estimated completion date of any
special or standard rework that is being
performed. Another OPNAV XRAY report must be
submitted that updates the previous estimated
completion date when the estimated completion
date changes by what minimum number of days?