Table 7-3.—Aircraft Status Codes—ContinuedY 0 01 S 0S20R002S0S30R003S0Category 4PD0S404S0Service LifeCompleteSTATUS CODES FOR USE WITH RETIREMENT AND STRIKE AIRCRAFTAWAITINGDECISIONAWAITING STRIKECATEGORYTOSTRIKENOTMAP/FMSFORMAP/FMSSTRICKENCategory 1DamageCategory 2PB0DepreciationCategory 3PC0AdministrativeR00to completion of its service life. Completion of serviceItem K—Acceptance Date. This item is used tolife is determined by the NAVAIRSYSCOM and isreport the acceptance date of new aircraft, reinstatedbased on analysis of the material condition of theaircraft, or receipt of an aircraft from another aircraftaircraft and current OPNAV directives.controlling custodian. For new aircraft, the date theAn aircraft is always stricken in the lowestnumbered category when more than one category isapplicable. For example, an aircraft eligible for strikeby reason of completed service life should be strickenin category 4 unless strike damage is also involved.When damage is also involved the aircraft should bestricken in category 1.Navy accepted custody from the contractor is entered.In the case of reinstatement of a previously strickenNavy aircraft, the original acceptance date (when theaircraft was new) is reported.Category 5—Aircraft Damage-Repairable. Strikeand Damage code 5 (1 through 4 apply to strikes only)pertains to aircraft that have been damaged, and repairwas deemed to be economically feasible.The first character of a Strike/Damage Code is thenumber that denotes damage or one of the fourcategories of strike. The second character indicates theemployment or use of the aircraft; the third characterdenotes cause or condition; and the fourth characterindicates the disposition of the aircraft. The Strike code1AA2 indicates an aircraft stricken in category 1 due todamage sustained in flight during unit training and thatthe wreckage of the aircraft was inaccessible.Item L—Aircraft Service Period Adjustment(ASPA)/Paint and Corrosion Evaluation (PACE).ASPA evaluates the material condition of an aircraftthat is at or near its PED for authorization to operatebeyond the operating service period outlined inPolicies and Peacetime Planning Factors GoverningThe Use of Naval Aircraft, OPNAVINST 3110.11.Upon completion of an ASPA inspection, adjustmentof the PED and operating service months(OPSERMOS) may be required.Item M—Operating Service Months Ac-cumulated at PED. For aircraft that are undergoing astandard service life, this number will represent thetotal accumulation of OPSERMOS as of the endmonth and year reported in item H (PED). If item Hrepresents a future date, as in the case of an aircraft that7-10
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