maintained at all times on the Miscellaneous/Historyrecord.To aid the IMA and depot activities in determiningrepair or rework requirements of equipment followingrejection, the activity that rejects the equipment MUSTcompletely document the reason for and nature of therejection on the Miscellaneous/History record. Forexample, an entry such as “overtemp” is not enough.Information must be given as to the degree ofovertemp, the length of overtemp, and thecircumstances under which the overtemp occurred,such as at start, in flight, during shutdown, or duringground runup. Corrective measures that were takenmust also be listed.Some incidents recorded on the Miscellaneous/History record require specific statements to accuratelydescribe the circumstances that surround the incident.These specific statements include, but are not limitedto, the following:Change in authorized inspection interval. Ifthere is a change in the authorized inspection interval,the following entry is required: “Effective (date) wasplaced on (specified interval) in accordance with(authority); next inspection due (date or hours).”A change in the inspection induction date orhourly sequence requires that the following entry bemade: “Effective (date) inspection induction date (orhours) was rescheduled from (old date or hours) to(new date or hours) as authorized by (reference).”Equipment Receipt. Activities that receiveequipment with the Equipment Operating Record willmake the following entry: “This date, The EquipmentOperating Record accumulated operating hours wereverified to be correct.”Activities that transfer equipment must annotatethe record with the date, reason for transfer, activitytransferred to, job control number (JCN), shippingdocument number, and if applicable, Status and STAR(strikes, transfers, acquisitions, or removals) codes.You should refer to the latest edition ofOPNAVINST 4790.2 for other specific documentationrequirements when making entries on this record.Q12. In what record should Naval Oil AnalysisProgram (NOAP) entries be logged in the AESR?Preservation/Depreservation Record (OPNAV4790/136A)The Preservation/Depreservation Record (fig. 8-7)in the AESR contains a record of preservation,represervation, and depreservation. When used in theAESR, the Preservation/Depreservation Record ismaintained like the Preservation/DepreservationRecord in the aircraft logbook. If the equipment(engine propellers, ejection seats, or APUs) is installedin the aircraft and the aircraft is preserved but thepreservation requirement is not applied to the specificequipment, then no preservation entry is made to theequipment AESR.Q13Your activity initiates a preservation action on anaircraft. An entry should be made in the aircraftlogbook’s PreservationlDepreservation Record.No preservation was performed on installedengines. What entry, if any, should be made onthe Preservation/Depreservation Record in theAESR?Installed Explosive Device Record (OPNAV4790/26A)The Installed Explosive Device Record contains arecord of all explosive devices installed. This record isgenerated through the Survival Equipment AssetTracking System/Increased Capabilities (SEATS/ICAP) program. SEATS/ICAPS is a managementinformation system for use at O-level, I-level, andD-level aviation maintenance activities and providesa standardized system for management of Sur-vival Equipment and cartridge-actuated devices(CADs)/aircrew escape propulsion systems (AEPS).8-10
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