In addition to the typed classification, stamp the
classification (with red stamped lettering, if possible) in
the center of the top and bottom margins. When you use
either of the terms Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential
in the body of correspondence to denote a classification
category, capitalize only the initial letter or letters. For
detailed instructions regarding classified corres-
pondence preparation, refer to the SECNAVINST
"FROM LINE: Type the From line two lines
below the date in the identification symbol or two lines
below the classification at the left margin. Allow two
spaces between the colon after From and the
beginning of the addressers title. The From line
identifies by title, the official in authority (usually the
commanding officer or the officer-in-charge) over the
activity with cognizance over the subject that is
covered by the letter. If an addressee needs to reply to
the letter, he or she should direct the reply to the
addresser. The From line furnishes the addressee
with this information. Remember that all standard
letters must have a From line. Use only long address
titles in this section.
"TO" LINE: Place the To line on the next line
below the From line. Allow four spaces from the
colon after To to the beginning of the title of the
addressee. When the functional title does not clearly
distinguish the addressee, give sufficient information
as to the intended activity to assure that the letter is
correctly delivered. Except when you prepare
correspondence that is intended for a ship, follow the
title of the addressee with the title or the code
designation (in parentheses) of the office that has
immediate responsibility for the subject matter. Use the
complete mailing address with the ZIP code for the
"To" addressee when you want the address for a record.
"VIA" LINE: Place the "Via" line, if any, on the
next line below the To line. If there is more than one
Via addressee, number each with a numeral that is
enclosed in parentheses: (1), (2), (3) and so forth.
Via addressees are used when one or more activities
should see a letter before it reaches the activity that it is
addressed to. The numerals indicate the sequence
through which the correspondence is sent.
"SUBJECT" LINE: Use the abbreviation Subj
to introduce a topical statement of the subject of the
correspondence. Place the "Subj" line two lines below
the preceding line of type. Allow two spaces from the
colon after "Subj" to the beginning of the subject. Use
normal word order. Capitalize all letters in the subject
line. A letter of reply usually repeats the subject of the
incoming letter.
"REFERENCE" LINE: Use the abbreviation
"Ref" to identify applicable references. References are
previously released correspondence or conversations
that have a direct bearing on the correspondence that
you are preparing. Type the "Ref" line two lines below
the last line of the subject line. Begin each reference
citation on a new line. Allow three spaces between the
colon after "Ref" and the beginning of the first
reference. List references in the order that they are
discussed in the text of the communication. Identify
references with small letters that are enclosed in
parentheses: (a), (b), (c), and so forth. When
referencing a letter, you should include the following
The abbreviated title of the originator
Location of the originating activity
All identification symbols that were assigned to
the referenced letter
The abbreviation ltr or memo
The date
Other types of references include publications,
instructions, telephone conversations, endorsements,
and messages. When documents other than letters or
memos are listed as references, they should be fully
identified as to origin, title, and date. Specific samples
of various types of references are listed in
"ENCLOSURE" LINE: Include the abbrevia-
tion Encl in the heading when correspondence that
bears directly on the standard letter is forwarded with
the letter. Place the Encl two lines below the
preceding line of text with each enclosure notation
beginning on a new line follow the colon after Encl
with two spaces. Number enclosures with numerals in
parentheses: (1) (2), and so forth. List each enclosure in
the order that it is discussed in the text. Identify each
enclosure that accompanies the letter by typing,
stamping, or writing "Encl" in the lower right corner
plus the number that is assigned to it in parentheses, for
example, Encl (1).
TEXT: Begin the text (or body) of the letter two
lines below the heading information. When drafting a
letter, begin by making the opening paragraph clear and