aircraft logbook or in the technical
directives section of the AESR.
Some TDs direct conditional or periodic
inspections of the aircraft, assembly, equipment, or
component until the TD is incorporated. These
inspections are logged on the TD form of the logbook.
In instances where continuing inspections are required,
you should perform the initial conditional inspection
and make a logbook entry on the conditional inspection
page. Initiate a local MRC, add the card to the
applicable MRC deck, and comply with the continuing
requirements as part of that required inspection. No
additional inspection entries are required.
All inspection entries in the logbook must be
certified by a signature.
Q11. In what place should documents that contain
additional data for which there is no designated
place be stored?
On what form should monthly flight operational
data be compiled throughout the service life of an
The Inspection Record is used to record periodic
and conditional inspections performed on the
aircraft. On what designated page should phase
inspections be logged?
When a phase inspection is recorded on the
inspection record, flight time should be entered in
the Type or Description of Inspection block.
What additional information should appear in
this block?
Hot start, hard landing, and overtemp are
examples of conditions that require what type of
Conditional inspection record data should be
retained in the aircraft logbook for what
minimum period of time?
The Repair/Rework Record form (fig. 6-5)
contains a complete record of all repair, reconditioning,
SDLM, conversion, modification, modernization, and
ASPA inspections performed on the aircraft by an
overhaul activity or commercial contractor. When an
aircraft is transferred to a NADEP or contractor activity
for rework, the aircraft logbook accompanies the
aircraft. This logbook is brought up to date as necessary
by the activity that performs the work. This procedure
should be followed even though there is no change in
reporting custodian. This record is retained
Technical Directives forms, which make up the TD
section of the logbook, contain records of all Naval Air
Systems Command (NAVAIRSYSCOM) TDs that
affect the airframe structure and its integral parts. A
separate form is used for each type of directive in this
The system for recording TD data is called the
Technical Directive Status Accounting (TDSA)
system. TDSA Lists Nos. 02 and 04 (figs. 6-6 and 6-7)
are prepared and distributed to reporting custodians by
the COMNAVAIRSYSCOM, which is the TDSA
program manager. List No. 02 contains a listing of
directives that apply to a specific bureau number and
are not incorporated; and List No. 04 contains a listing
of directives that apply to a specific bureau number and
are reported as incorporated. Lists Nos. 02 and 04 are
distributed to activities on a quarterly basis.
Upon receipt of the initial lists Nos. 02 and 04 of
the same date, you should remove TD (airframe
changes and bulletins) forms from the logbook; and
after verification against the new lists, retain or destroy
them at the discretion of the reporting custodian. Lists
Nos. 02 and 04 may then be inserted in the TD section
of the aircraft logbook, with List No. 02 preceding List
No. 04. Whenever a new TD is received, add the TD to
List No. 02. As TDs are complied with, annotate List
No. 02 with the TD Status code (C) to the left of the
Series (SER) column, and transcribe the information
that applies to List No. 04. This provides a complete
and up-to-date configuration listing of the aircraft at
any given time.
A TD that affects a component for which an MSR,
ASR, EHR, or SRC card is required is recorded in the
TD section of the applicable MSR, ASR, EHR, or SRC
card and on the applicable logbook or AESR TD record
(multiply entry). In this instance, TD identification data
is entered in the logbook or AESR TD record and a
notation to refer to the applicable MSR, ASR, EHR, or
SRC card is entered in the Title/Remarks column.
TDs are logged in numerical sequence except on
pages titled Revisions. Revisions are logged in the
order in which the revisions are received.
Initiation and maintenance of the Technical
Directives form is described in the following
paragraphs. You should refer to figure 6-8 as you read
these paragraphs.