LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Describe the use
and maintenance of various logs and reports
used to record details of catapult and arresting
gear operations and maintenance
Record keeping in relation to launch and recovery
equipment is as important as the operation of the
machinery or maintenance procedures. Because of the
many 3-M maintenance requirements that must be
adhered to and periodic reports that must be made, the
important of accurate logs, reports, and records should
be emphasized.
The work center maintenance log (fig. 7-27) is the
most important record kept on the catapult systems.
Each catapult workcenter supervisor shall maintain a
separate maintenance log for each catapult. Sufficient
pages in the front of the log should be reserved for
entering data of a historical or permanent nature, which
will provide a read reference when required. Daily
entries should be made listing all maintenance
performed during a 24-hour period. This will provide a
continuous record of maintenance actions performed
Figure 7-27.Catapult maintenance log entries.