LICNs are not authorized in supply transaction
documents. LICNs are for local use only and may be
assigned to shipboard stocked consumable items that
are not identified by and NSN or another type of NICN.
A LICN consists of 13 characters. The first four will be
numbers corresponding to the federal supply
classification (FSC) of a similar NSN items, the fifth
and sixth will be LL and the remaining seven alpha
This chapter presents different sources of
information that is needed in performing technical
research. Material identification does not end with the
assignment of the NSN. Some means of identifying
other particular needs by the stock number must be
provided to the customers. This includes the means of
determining the correct quantities of these items to
carry in stock. Identification of needs maybe
determined by using the lists described in the following
The FED LOG on Compact Disc Read-Only
Memory (CD-ROM) (fig.7-21) is the access to DOD
logistics data. The FED LOG includes the basic
management data necessary for preparing requisitions
and it includes an integrated historical record of deleted
and superseded NIINs with appropriate codes to
indicate disposition action.
The part number, also called reference number, is
an identification number assigned to an item by the
manufacture. It is made up of letters, numbers, or
combinations of both. When used with the Commercial
And Government Entity (CAGE) code, it identifies the
item. It is used with other technical data (for example,
model, series, and end-use application) to requisition
an item when an NSN is not assigned. Part number to
NSN cross-reference is provided in FED-LOG.
Figure 7-21.Example of FED LOG query.