All items of supply that are centrally managed or
bought for system stock are required to have a National
Stock Number (NSN) assigned to them. National Stock
Numbers are used in all supply management functions
and publications that mention the items. The NSN is a
13-digit number assigned by Defense Logistics
Information Service (DLIS) to identify an item of
material in the supply distribution system. The
following paragraph discusses the breakdown of an
NSN. Figure 7-19 is an example of an NSN.
Federal Supply Classification (FSC)
The Federal Supply Classification (FSC) is a
four-digit number that occupies the first part of an
NSN. The Defense Logistics Agency Cataloging
Handbook H2 (in book form) lists the groups and
classes in use today.
National Codification Bureau (NCB) Code
The National Codification Bureau (NCB) code is a
two-digit code that occupies the fifth and sixth position
of a NATO stock number. These code identities the
NATO country that originally cataloged the item of
supply. The NCB codes currently assigned are listed in
Afloat Supply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485. The NSN
assigned by United States uses NCB codes 00 and
National Item Identification Number (NIIN)
The National Item Identification Number (NIIN)
consists of a two digit National Codification Bureau
(NCB) code and seven digits which in conjunction with
the NCB code, uniquely identify each NSN item in the
federal supply distribution system. In the example
given in figure 3-2, the 00-1234567 is the NIIN.
independently for material identification. Except for
identification list, most federal supply catalogs are
arranged in NIIN order.
In addition to the 13-digit NSN, the Navy uses
other codes for material identification. These codes
may be prefixes or suffixes to the NSN. The following
paragraphs describe these codes.
Cognizant (COG) Symbol
The cognizant (COG) symbol consists of a
two-character code that identifies the stores account
and cognizant inventory manager of an item. The
cognizant symbols are listed in table 7-4. To understand
cognizant symbols, you must understand the following
Stores Account: This is an account reflecting the
value of material, supplies, and similar property on
hand. The accounts are the Appropriation Stores
Account (APA) and the Navy Stock Account (NSA).
Appropriations Purchase Account (APA): This
account is for all stock material paid for out of
appropriations. This material is not charged to the
users operating funds. If the material was ought for a
purpose other than its original appropriation, the
material is chargeable to the users fund.
Navy Stock Account (NSA): The NSA consists of
all material paid from the Defense Business Operating
Fund (DBOF). NSA material is always charged to the
users allotment, operating budget, or operating target
Inventory manager: This is an organizational unit
or activity within the Department of Defense. The
inventory manager has the primary responsibility for
controlling the functions of cataloging, identification,
inspection, storage, and distribution of categories of
Technical responsibility: This is the systems
command or office that determines the technical
characteristics of equipment. For example, the
electronics equipment characteristics include items
such as circuitry and the types and arrangement of
Federal Supply Classification
Code Number
National Codification Bureau
National Item Identification
Figure 7-19.Example of an NSN.