5. The motor contact bands, motor tube threads,and nozzle and fin assembly must be clean andfree of grease or other lubricants.6.Check threads for damage or corrosion.Assembly of Rocket ComponentsRocket components are assembled as discussed inthe following steps:WARNINGEnsure launcher is grounded. Shieldingbands must be in place whenever the rocketmotor is out of or protrudes from thelauncher. Ensure the shielding band coversthe contact band but does not touch it.1.Place detent lift arm in load position.2.Push forward on aft end of rocket motor untilforward end of rocket emerges from launcher.3.Slide shielding band (fig. 13-23) over motorand hold against forward part of launcher; pushmotor forward until locking tabs seat in themotor detent grooves and not in the contactband groove.NOTE: A standard rocket assembly tool kitcontainingcrowfootwrenches,atorquewrench,detentlockingwrenches,chainwrenches, and strap wrenches is available forthe assembly of 2.75-inch and 5.0-inch rockets.4.Hold motor with strap wrench. Screw warheadinto motor and tighten securely with chainwrench until the warhead seats 360 degrees.5.Attach appropriate nose fuze and tighten.6.Push rocket motor slowly into the tube until aftend contacts aft stop.7.Rotate detent lift arm to flare position.8.Push the motor forward hard; pawl will engagegroove with audible click indicating positiveengagement.2.75-INCH AIRBORNE ROCKET ASSEMBLYPROCEDURESUnpacking and inspection of the warhead, fuzes,and motor are essentially the same as for the 5.0-inchrocket components discussed earlier in this chapter.Assemble rocket components as follows:1.Place rocket motor body in holding fixture (fig.13-24).13-23Figure 13-23.—5.0-inch rocket RADHAZ and electrostaticprotection.Figure 13-24.—Holding fixture assembly.
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