3-38. What warhead is used in an AIM-9L guidedmissile?1. WDU-77/B2. WDU-17/B3.Mk 344.Mk 433-39.What modification of a Mk 36 rocket motor isequipped with a safe-arm ignition assembly?1.Mod 92.Mod 83.Mod 74.Mod 63-40.To reposition the safe-arm ignition assembly ofa Mk 36 Mod 8 rocket motor, what tool shouldyou use?1.A hex-head T-handle2.A screwdriver3.An arming key4.An allen wrench3-41.What type of guidance system is used in theWalleye I weapon?1.Active homing2.Semiactive homing3.Closed-circuit television4.Closed-loop radar tracking3-42.A Walleye I series weapon is in what specifiedweight class?1.500 lb2.1,000 lb3.1,500 lb4.2,000 lb3-43.A Walleye II series weapon is in what specifiedweight class?1.500 lb2.1,000 lb3.1,500 lb4.2,000 lb3-44.An AIM-54C guided missile uses which of thefollowing types of guidance systems?1.Active only2.Semiactive only3.Passive only4.Active, semiactive, and passive3-45.A Maverick missile uses what type of guidancesystem?1.Laser2.Active3.Passive4.Command3-46.There is to be a multiple missile attack by theuse of simultaneous guidance against widelyseparated targets. What maximum number ofAIM-54C guided missiles can be launchedfrom a single aircraft?1.Seven2.Six3.Five4.Four3-47.An AGM-88A guided missile is designed tooperate in what total number of modes?1.One2.Two3.Three4.Four3-48.The designation AGM-65E identifies whatmissile?1.Harpoon2.Shrike3.Sidewinder4.Maverick3-49.What are the major assemblies of the LAU-7guided missile launcher?1.Housing, nitrogen receiver, power supply,and electrical converter2.Housing, mechanism, power supply, andnitrogen receiver3.Housing, nitrogen receiver, and powersupply4.Housing,mechanism,andnitrogenreceiver3-50.The pressure indicator on the nitrogen receiverassembly in the LAU-7/A guided missilelauncher is yellow. What approximate amountof nitrogen is available?1.0.0 to 2.1 psi2.2.2 to 2.8 psi3.2.9 to 3.4 psi4.3.5 to 5.0 psi16
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