4-11. Before loading a signal into a Mk 31 Mod 0signal projector, you should first take whataction?1.Inspect the signal for damage2.Make sure the signal projector is cocked3.Clear all personnel from the immediatearea4.Make sure the signal projector is notcocked4-12.A hand-manipulated signaling device is usedfor all EXCEPT which of the signalingpurposes?1.Identification2.Countermeasure3.Warning4.Distress4-13.Pyrotechnic pistols includes all EXCEPTwhich of the following features?1.Breechloaded2.Single-shot3.Double-action4.Double-barreled4-14.What is the total weight of a Mk-13 signal?1.6.4 ounces2.7.2 ounces3.8.5 ounces4.9.0 ounces4-15.At what prescribed angle should you hold aMk-13 signal?1.15°2.30°3.45°4.90°4-16.A Mk-31 signal projector propels the signal towhat prescribed height?1.150 to 250 ft2.250 to 650 ft3.350 to 750 ft4.450 to 850 ft4-17.What is the prescribed weight of an LUU-2B/Bflare?1.10 lb2.20 lb3.30 lb4.40 lb4-18.The LUU-2B/B flare consists of what totalnumber of components?1.Seven2.Six3.Five4.Four4-19.The illuminating candle in the LUU-2B/Baircraft parachute flare is made from whatmaterials?1.Magnesium, sodium nitrate, and blackpowder2.Magnesium, sodium nitrate, and a polymerbinder3.Magnesium, black powder, and a polymerbinder4.Black powder, sodium nitrate, and apolymer binder4-20.To initiate ignition of the candle in theLUU-2B/B aircraft parachute flare, whatminimum amount of force must be exerted bythe parachute lanyard?1.61 lb2.81 lb3.91 lb4.101 lb4-21.WhatistheprescribeddiameterofanLUU-2B/B parachute?1.10 ft2.12 ft3.18 ft4.20 ft4-22.To establish an initial contact point for acontinued submarine search, which of thefollowing means should be used?1.Smoke only2.Flame only3.Smoke and flame4.Aircraft parachute flares4-23.To make nighttime use easier, the armedposition of the baseplate on a Mk 25 marinelocation marker is marked in what way?1.It is machined-notched at the armedposition2.It is machined-notched at the safe position3.It has an illumination decal at the safeposition4.It has a raised bead at the armed position20
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