Foldable scrub rails, or guides, secured to the bomb
bay centerline bulkhead, are used with some stores to
prevent damage to the aircraft structure as the store falls
The distribution box provides the necessary
interface between the decoder and the bomb racks in
both auto (computer) and manual modes. The decoder
contains the necessary electronics for receiving
commands from the armament control panel for arming
and releasing bomb bay stations and transmitting
station status information.
Wing Store System
The wing store system consists of the units and
components necessary for carrying, arming, and
releasing external stores.
The stores are suspended
from two wing stations (fig. 15-36)W5 (left) and W6
S-3 Pylon and Rack Assembly
The S-3 pylon and rack assembly consists of a
pylon supporting a BRU-11A/A ejector rack. The rack
is a self-contained unit that performs all the functions of
carrying, arming, and releasing the stores. The aircraft
armament circuits control it.
The pylon provides
structural attachment between the aircraft wing and the
It also contains the necessary wiring and
components to connect the rack to release and status
indicating circuits.
Figure 15-35.S-3 bomb bay configurations.