Each component of the missile, besides being colorcoded, is identifiable by lettering stenciled on theexterior surface of the component. The lettering on acomponent gives information such as the Mark andMod, type and weight of explosive filler, loadingactivity symbol and date of loading, temperature rangerestrictions, and unit serial number.All missiles used in naval aviation are assignedmissile serial numbers. These numbers are shippedwith the missile's logbook. The missile serial number isnormally the serial number of the leading component ofthe missile, such as the guidance and/or controlcomponents. The serial number is important because itis the number used to track the missile from assembly ata weapons station until it is fired or discontinued fromservice.For further information concerning identificationof guided missiles, refer to NAVSEA SW010-AF-ORD-010/NAVAIR 11-1-117, Identification ofAmmunition(latest revision).REVIEW NUMBER 1Q1. The speed of a guided missile is given in termsof Mach numbers. If a guided missile istraveling at Mach 1, how fast is it going?Q2.A missile traveling at Mach 3 is traveling at_______ speeds.Q3.List the two types of guided missiles.Q4.What two types of guided missiles are used innaval aviation?Q5.The first letter of a missile designationdescribes the missile's ________.Q6.Define the missile designation ATM.Q7.Where would you find the serial number in anassembled missile?Q8.What do the color codes identify on guidedmissiles?MISSILE COMPONENTSGuided missiles are made up of a series ofsubassemblies (figs. 3-1 and 3-2). The varioussubassemblies form a major section of the overallmissile to operate a missile system, such as guidance,control,armament(warheadandfuzing),andpropulsion. The major sections are carefully joined andconnected to each other. They form the completemissile assembly. The arrangement of major sections inthe missile assembly varies, depending on the missiletype.The guidance section is the brain of the missile. Itdirects its maneuvers and causes the maneuvers to beexecuted by the control section. The armament sectioncarries the explosive charge of the missile, and thefuzing and firing system by which the charge isexploded. The propulsion section provides the forcethat propels the missile.Guidance and Control SectionThe complete missile guidance system includes theelectronic sensing systems that initiate the guidanceorders and the control system that carries them out. Theelements for missile guidance and missile control canbe housed in the same section of the missile, or they canbe in separate sections.3-4Figure 3-1.—Typical air-to-air guided missile.
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