Mk 118 Mod 0 and Mod 1 Antitank Bomblets
The antitank bomblets Mk 118 Mod 0 (fig. 1-32)
consists of a Mk 1 Mod 0 fuzing system, a
shaped-charge warhead, and fixed stabilizing fins. It is
loaded in the Mk 20 Mod 3 bomb clusters only. In the
antitank bomb Mk 118 Mod 1, the fuzing system is a
Mk 1 Mod 1, and the bombs are loaded in the Mk 20
Mod 6 bomb clusters only.
When the Mk 20 bomb cluster is released from the
aircraft, the arming wires (primary and/or optional
arming) are pulled sufficiently to arm the Mk 339 fuze
and release the fins. The positive armed fin release
arming wire frees the fin release band, and the movable
fins snap open by spring-force.
Functioning of the fuze initiates the linear-shaped
charges in the dispenser; that cut the dispenser case in
half, and disperses the bombs/bomblets. When the Mk
339 Mod 1 primary fuze arming wire is pulled, the fuze
will function 1.2 seconds after the arming wire has been
extracted. If the pilot selects the option time (4.0
seconds), both the primary and option arming wires
must be pulled. If the pilot selects the option time and
the primary arming wire is not pulled, the fuze will be a
Mk 118 Mods 0 and 1 Antitank Bomb
When the Mk 118 bomb separates from the
dispenser case, the base fuze-arming vane rotates and
the fuze is armed. If the bomb strikes a hard target, such
as concrete or armor, the electric detonator ignites the
shaped-charge warhead immediately. If the bomb
strikes a soft target, such as earth or sandbag, the bomb
penetrates the targets until deceleration lets the inertia
firing pin strike and initiate the stab detonator, causing
warhead denotation.
The Mk 427 Mod 0 and Mod 1 shipping and
storage containers encase one fully assembled Mk 20
bomb cluster. The reusable containers consist of metal
upper and lower shell assemblies that are secured with
either 16 quick-release latches (Mod 0) or 18 "T"
latches (Mod 1). A rubber gasket provides an
environmental seal when the upper and lower shells are
mated. External frame members are welded to each half
of the container so the containers can be stacked six
ground-handling equipment.
The reusable weapon cradle Mk 18 Mod 0 is used
to ship and store two fully assembled Mk 20 bomb
clusters. The cradle consists of plastic upper and lower
shell assemblies, which are shock-mounted on a metal
cradle assembly. The weapon cradle has forklift guides,
lifting eyes; hand truck brackets, and lifts devices to
permit the use of handling equipment. Four supports
are provided on each cradle to aid in stacking the cradle
Name the main structure of the Mk 7 bomb
The Mk 20 bomb cluster weighs ______ and
contains ____ bomblets.
Name the component used to stabilize the
bomb after release from the aircraft.
Describe the purpose of the Mk 339 Mod 1
mechanical time fuze.
List the components of the Mk 118 Mod 0 and
Mod 1 antitank bomblets.
What shipping container is used to ship and
store the Mk 20 bomb cluster?
CBU-78/B and B/B GATOR
The CBU-78/B and B/B GATOR weapon is
delivered as an all-up-round (AUR) (fig. 1-33). The
weapon consists of the SUU-58/B dispenser, Mk 339
Figure 1-32.Antitank bomblets Mk 118 Mod 0 and Mod 1.