Mod 1 fuze, Kit Modification Unit KMU-428/B, and
60 mines (45 BLU-91/B and 15 BLU-92/B). The fuze
initiation time is preset and is activated upon weapon
release from the aircraft. Fuze time settings are primary
mode (1.2 seconds) and option mode (4.0 seconds). The
KMU-428/B adapts the mines to the dispenser; it also
provides mine activation/self-destruct time selection.
SUU-58/B Subsonic Free-Fall Dispenser
The SUU-58/B consists of a cargo section with a
nose fairing assembly attached, a tail cone assembly,
and fuze arming wires with extractors. There are two
observation windowsone for viewing the safe/arm
indicator and the other to observe the fuze time-setting
dials. The cargo section houses the BLU-91/B and
BLU-92/B mines. The tactical weapons have two
yellow bands around the nose cone fairing.
BLU-91/B and BLU-92/B Mines
The target sensors are the primary difference
between the two mines. The BLU-91/B uses an
armor-piercing warhead and a magnetometer type of
sensor; the BLU-92/B has a fragment type of warhead
with trip wires as the primary target sensor.
different types, purpose, and use of practice
bombs to include subcaliber and full-scale
practice bombs.
Practice bombs are used to simulate the same
ballistic properties of service bombs. Practice bombs
are manufactured as either solid or cast-metal bodies.
Since practice bombs contain no explosive filler, a
practice bomb signal cartridge (smoke) can be used for
visual observation of weapon-target impact.
The primary purpose of practice bombs is safety
when training new or inexperienced pilots and
ground-handling crews. Other advantages of practice
bombs include their low cost and an increase in
available target locations.
Figure 1-33.CBU-78/B and B/B GATOR weapon.