Preparation for Use
When you use GP bombs the following
preparations must be carried out. As you read this
section, refer to figures 13-2 through 13-4.
BREAKOUT.Breakout is the term used to
define the physical removal of ammunition from the
magazine. Weapons are broken out, by direction of the
ordnance handling officer (OHO), in accordance with
the load plan. When ordnance breakout is directed by
the OHO, the breakout crew records the type, lot
number, and quantity of ordnance broken out. Then, the
crew passes this information back to ordnance control
so that an accurate account and location of weapons and
related material on board can be kept up to date.
UNPACKING.You must depalletize the bomb
body and place it on the appropriate bomb skid or
assembly stand. Prior to depalletizing, ensure that
gloves, steel toe shoes, and face shields are worn. When
depalletizing a bomb body, you need to remove the
Spanner wrenches (spreader type)
2 each
Apex tip holders (with setscrew) 3/8" drive
4 each
Apex tip for 500 lb bomb conical fins
2 each
Apex tip for 1000 lb bomb conical fins
2 each
Apex tip for 500 lb retarding fin
2 each
Apex tip for nose setscrew 3/16"
2 each
Apex tip for butt plate removal
2 each
1/2" drive speed handle
2 each
3/8" drive speed handle
3 each
Needle nose pliers
2 each
6" Straight slot screwdriver, 1/4" blade
2 each
8" Straight slot screwdriver, 3/8" blade
2 each
Phillips screwdriver 8" No. 2
2 each
Band cutters
1 each
Full face shields
2 each
Heavy duty work gloves
2 pair
Wire cutters (diagonal wire cutting)
2 each
Wooden dowel
2 each
Non sparking wire brush
2 each
Local manufactured bar for rolling bombs
1 each
Allen wrench sets
2 each
1/8" Allen wrench
2 each
Explosion proof flashlight
3 each
Sway brace/lug gauge GMU-74/E
2 each
Nut driver 3/8" for fuze restraining clip
(nut drivers are enclosed with case of clips)
2 each
Closure ring wrench P/N 1379AS503
3/8" drive ratchet
2 each
Table 13-1.Bomb Assembly Tool Requirements