1. No mechanical nose fuzes shall be installed on the hangar deck.
2. Arming wires/safety clips intact.
3. Air launched missiles shall not normally be loaded on the hangar deck except when operational commitments
so dictate. Commanding officers may authorize loading of missiles on the hangar deck only up to the point of
mechanical attachment of the weapon to the launcher/rack in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the
appropriate NAVAIR weapon/store loading checklists.
4. Ejector cartridges shall not be installed on the hangar deck. Installation of ejector/jettison cartridges in the
BRU-9/-10/-11 ejector bomb rack is authorized provided the rack is electrically disconnected and either the
mechanical safety pin is installed or the IFOBRL mechanism is locked.
5. In the event of strikedown of a loaded aircraft to the hangar deck, the nose fuzes (as applicable) and
ejector/jettison cartridges shall be removed immediately after the aircraft is in spot and tied down.
Ejector/jettison cartridges may remain in the BRU-9/-10/-11 ejector bomb rack is authorized provided the rack is
electrically disconnected and either the mechanical safety pin is installed or the IFOBRL mechanism is locked.
6. The M61A1 gun ammunition is exempt from downloading requirements for up aircraft temporarily spotted in
the hangar decks and aircraft undergoing limited maintenance; that is, turnaround maintenance, providing
compliance with all gun dearm procedures of the airborne weapon/store loading manual, associated check-lists,
and store reliability card has been accomplished.
7. Guidance provided in this figure is subjected to individual aircraft tactical manual limitations.
8. Maintenance on-loaded aircraft (Chapter 6 of NAVAIR 00-80T-105) applies.
9. Sonobuoy chutes P-2 shall be downloaded immediately after aircraft is in spot and tied down.
10. Impulse cartridges must be removed for LUU-2 and dispenser with LUU-2.
11. Strikedown/download of aircraft jammed 20-MM/25-MM guns and gun pods is prohibited.
12. If an ITL signal has been initiated for a Harpoon/SLAM weapon, that weapon shall be treated as a hung
weapon during recovery, downloading, and strikedown aboard ship.
13. An aircraft with ITL weapons aboard shall not be removed from the flight deck to the hangar deck until all
ITL weapons have been downloaded.
14. When operationally feasible, aircraft shall be kept airborne for 35 minutes following an ITL abort/failure.
Respot of an ITL aircraft is prohibited during peacetime operations until 2.5 hours have elapsed after the ITL
abort/failure. Down load prior to completion of the 2.5 hour waiting period is authorized provided that the missile
is moved to a safe area on the flight deck with the nose oriented outboard over the deck edge.
Initiation of the ITL signal activates a battery within Harpoon/SLAM. With battery power available within the
missile, electrical shorts occurring during aircraft recovery and /or while disconnecting the missile umbilical
from the aircraft may actuate the missile engine/pyrotechnics. Battery voltage will remain sufficiently high to
allow engine start for up to 35 minutes following ITL and to fire missile launch squibs within Harpoon/SLAM for
up to 2.5 hours following ITL.
15. Walleye II loaded on F/A-18 is non-recoverable.
Table 14-1.Weapons Loading, Strikedown, Downloading, and Recovery GuideContinued