REVIEW NUMBER 1 ANSWERSA1. To find information on aircraft ordnance andordnance accessories, you should refer to theapplicableNATOPSflight/tacticalmanuals.A2.A change to or request for a deviation from aNATOPS flight or tactical manual should besubmitted to the Naval Air Systems Command(NAVAIR).A3.NAVAIRSYSCOM resolves conflicts betweenweapons/stores loading manuals and otherpublications.A4.The Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) issuesNATOPS manuals.A5.At sea, the responsibility for dearmingforward-firing ordnance belongs to the CVWarm/dearmcrew.If you are going to load an IMER/ITER, verify thatan adapter connector and an electric fuze adapterharness (if applicable) are installed. Also, make surethe pullout bails are attached to the bail bar.The following information will give you some ideaof the steps you would follow to prepare or inspect anIMER/ITER for loading. Visually inspect the parentrack to ensure a safety pin is installed and the rack islocked. Make sure the parent rack breech caps areremoved, the cartridges are not installed, and the parentrack sway braces and ejector foot are properly adjustedand positioned. Also, there should be an adapterconnector installed in the aircraft and connected to theIMER/ITER with the pullout bail attached to the bailbar.If electric fuzing is used, you need to check that anelectric fuze adapter harness is installed and connectedto the IMER/ITER. If applicable, make sure the pulloutbail is attached to the bail bar. Then, disconnect thebreech caps and verify that the cartridges are removedfrom all ejector units. Make sure the breech caps arepositioned to prevent damage during weapons loading.Then, open all suspension hooks. Adjust the inboardsway braces to the diameter of the weapon. Adjust allother sway braces to the full up position. Finally, retractthe ejector feet to the full up position.WEAPON INSPECTIONAll weapons must be inspected before you can loadthem. If they don't meet the inspection criteria, youmust reject them and notify the proper authority.WEAPONS LOADINGThe method you use to load retard or non-retardbombs depend on the weight and configuration of thebombs and the operational commitments. For example,you can load a 500-pound bomb onto the rack of anIMER/ITER by using the HLU-196/E bomb-hoistingunit. But remember you are authorized to manuallyload most weapons or stores weighing 1,000 pounds orless with manual hoisting bars. To meet rearmingrequirements of high-tempo cyclic operations, youwould normally use manual hoisting bars to loadindividual retard or non-retard bombs that weigh 1,000pounds or less. Weapons weighing over 1,000 poundsare normally loaded with the HLU-196/E bomb-hoisting unit.When the rack is ready to be loaded, position theweapon and the handling and loading equipment underthe loading station. If applicable, prepare the weaponfor bomb hoist loading by installing a hoisting sling onthe bomb for single store hoisting. Then, you can installthe bomb hoist on the rack and attach the hoist cable tothe hoisting sling. Remove slack from the cable byoperating the hoist. (Remember that one person ispositioned at the front and one at the tail of the weaponto steady it while it is being hoisted.) Remove thetie-down straps that secure the weapon to the handlingequipment.If applicable, install a manual hoisting bar formanual loading by installing the HLU-256/E manualhoisting bar in the fuze well. Then, remove the weapontie-down straps that secure the weapon to the handlingequipment.Now, the bomb hoist can be used to load theweapon.If you use an electric fuze, hoist the weapon toabout 10 inches below the rack. Connect the Mk 122arming safety switch quick-disconnect connector (fig.14-1) to the racks arming receptacle. Then, continue tohoist the weapon until both suspension lugs enter thesuspension hooks, and the hooks latch. Visually inspectthe hook lock indicators on parent racks for a hooklocked indication on each set of hooks being used.Slack the hoist cable and shake the weapon gently tomake sure the suspension hooks on the IMER/ITERslock safety stop levers support it.When you have finished loading the weapon on therack,removethemanualhoistingbarorthebomb-hoisting unit. Then you can adjust the swaybraces by taking the following actions:14-9
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