lubricant is not available and a substitution is not listed,
grips. A spring-loaded ball acts as a check valve. Figure
request substitution through the chain of command.
1-13 shows a cross-sectional view of a straight
hydraulic fitting and an angled hydraulic fitting made
for lubricating parts that are hard to reach.
The lubrication requirements for each model of
FLUSH FITTINGS.--This type of fitting sets
aircraft are given in the "General Information and
flush with the surface into which it is placed. It will not
Servicing" section of the MIM. In the MIM you will
interfere with moving parts. Figure 1-13 shows a
find the necessary support equipment and consumable
cutaway view of a flush-type fitting and the adapter
material requirements. A table/chart similar to the one
nozzle used on the grease gun.
shown in figure 1-14 lists all of the various types of
lubricants used in lubricating the whole aircraft.
Additional information, such as application symbols,
specification numbers, and symbols are provided in this
How do you know what grease or oil to select for a
particular application? Lubrication instructions are
You should use the Maintenance Requirements
issued for all equipment requiring lubrication. You will
Cards (MRCs) as a guide to the lubrication of aircraft.
find that the MIM or MRCs provide you with
Figure 1-15 shows the front and back of these cards,
lubrication information. In the event that the exact
Figure 1-15.--Typical lubrication MRC.