bearings, scored cylinder walls, leaky packings, and a
What components should be checked for
host of other troubles. Appropriate use of proper
proper position prior to applying electrical
lubricants minimizes possible damage to equipment.
and hydraulic power?
When troubleshooting, what records should
you check to see if there is a previous history
of the same type of discrepancy?
fluids, semisolids, and solids. Additives improve the
What equipment or tool should you use to
physical properties or performance of a lubricant. We
all know that oils are fluids, and greases are semisolids.
an electrically controlled hydraulic system?
You probably think of graphite, molybdenum disulfide,
talc, and boron nitride as additives. In fact, they are
solid lubricants. A solid lubricant's molecular structure
is such that its platelets will readily slide over each
different types of lubricants. Recognize the
other. Solid lubricants can be suspended in oils and
different methods of application. Understand
the use of lubrication charts.
There are many different types of approved
Perhaps the only connection you have had with
lubricants in use for naval aircraft. Because the
lubrication was taking the car to the garage for greasing
lubricants used will vary with types of aircraft and
and oil change. If your car has burned out a bearing, you
equipment, it is impractical to cover each type. Some of
have learned the importance of lubricants. The proper
the more common types are described in table 1-4.
lubrication of high-speed aircraft is very important.
Methods of Application
You should be familiar with the various types of
lubricants, their specific use, and the method and
Different types of lubricants may be applied by any
one of several methods. Common methods are by
Lubricants are used to reduce friction, to cool, to
grease gun, by oil/squirt cans, by hand, and by brush.
prevent wear, and to protect metallic parts against
GREASE GUNS.--There are numerous types and
corrosion. In the aircraft, lubrication is necessary to
sizes of grease guns available for different equipment
minimize friction between moving parts. Only the
applications. The lever and one-handed lever guns are
presence of a layer or film of lubricant between metal
two of the most common types in use. The grease gun
surfaces keeps the metals from touching. As a result,
may be equipped with a flexible hose instead of a rigid
friction is reduced between moving parts. Prolonged
extension. Different nozzles can be attached to the
operating life is ensured when the lubricant keeps metal
grease guns for different types of fittings. See figure
surfaces from direct contact with each other. If the film
disappears, you end up with burned out or frozen
Figure 1-12.--Types of grease guns.