slowly, while maintaining preload on tie-down chains
by manually rotating tensioning grips. Lower jacks
until landing gear wheels are on deck and jacks are
clear of jack pads by a safe margin.
Jacks should be promptly removed from the
aircraft's underside to prevent structural damage to
the aircraft in the event of settling.
Make sure that the aircraft main and nose landing
gear struts have settled to their normal position prior
to entering main or nose landing gear wheel wells.
Failure to allow landing gear to settle could result in
personnel injury.
Install chocks and apply parking brakes. Remove
jacks. Remove jack adapters and install/remove aircraft
mooring adapters and tie-down chains as required by
the MIM. Secure the aircraft, and ensure all protective
covers and ground safety devices are installed. Clean up
the area and stow all equipment.
What are the two types of hydraulic aircraft
the leveling plate. This procedure varies greatly with
jacks used by the Navy?
different types of aircraft. You must use the applicable
Aircraft jacks are serviced with what type of
MIM to perform a leveling procedure.
Lowering Aircraft
What type of jack is used for changing aircraft
Make sure that landing gear safety pins are
What division performs 13-week special
installed. Make sure that the arresting hook is retracted.
inspections on axle jacks?
Install arresting hook safety pin, or verify that it is
installed. Verify that the landing gear handle in the
What important safeguard prevents you from
flight station is in the DN (down) position. Lubricate
lowering a jack too fast?
exposed surfaces of the shock strut piston and nose oleo
Details on jacking restrictions and
strut with clean hydraulic fluid.
procedures can be found in what publication?
NOTE: Wiping down oleo struts with hydraulic
For shipboard operations, what is the
fluid helps to prevent them from sticking.
minimum number of tie-down chains required
Apply jacking pressure and loosen the lock collar
for each jack?
on wing jacks and nose jack. Lower all jacks evenly and