that shown in figure 12-45 is usually mounted on a
plate or decal on or near the bottle or air filler valve. If
the instruction plate is missing or not readable, the
information may be found in the General Information
and Servicing section of the applicable MIM.
Pressure should be added to air storage bottles
slowly in order not to build up heat from rapid transfer.
You should take care to ensure that air storage bottles
are not overinflated.
Q12-7. There are a total of how many classes of
hydraulic reservoirs?
Q12-8. The fluid quantity of a nonpressurized
reservoir is indicated by a float and arm
liquidometer. The liquidometer is operated by
what means?
Figure 12-45.--Pneumatic storage cylinder inflation chart
Q12-9. In an air-pressurized reservoir, the fluid
Q12-21. What type of noncleanable filter element is
quantity is indicated by what means?
used on most naval aircraft?
Q12-10. Hydraulic systems that require the use of hand
Q12-22. The differential pressure indicator on a filter
pumps are classified as what type of system?
assembly is reset by what means once the
Q12-11. What type of hydraulic pump does not require
button is extended?
the use of external pressure regulators or
Q12-23. To prevent fluid loss when the bowl has been
unloading valves?
removed, most filter assemblies incorporate
Q12-12. What type of hydraulic pump is usually driven
what item in the head?
by a dc wound electric motor?
Q12-24. How many general types of accumulators are
Q12-13. The piston-type pump (Stratopower variable
used on naval aircraft?
displacement), Model 65WB06006, rated at
3,000 psi is capable of delivering how many
Q12-25. What is the correct method to preload an
gallons of fluid per minute?
Q12-14. Why are relief valves installed in aircraft
Q12-26. To indicate the amount of pressure in a
hydraulic systems?
hydraulic system, naval aircraft use what two
Q12-15. To increase the opening pressure of a thermal
types of pressure gauges?
relief valve, what action must you take?
Q12-27. What component is used to damper out system
Q12-16. In a hydraulic system, what is the purpose of
pressure surges that could cause possible
the motor-operated shutoff valve?
Q12-17. What is the maximum allowable temperature
and prevent cockpit hydraulic indicators from
for any type of military aircraft hydraulic
oscillating and fluctuating?
Q12-28. What are the three methods currently used for
Q12-18. A radiator-type hydraulic fluid cooler uses
driving emergency system pumps on naval
what medium for cooling?
Q12-19. What component is used to conserve space
Q12-29. What component initiates extension of the
and provide a means where common fluid
ram-air turbine assembly?
lines may come together?
Q12-30. A chemical air dryer cartridge is NOT
Q12-20. What are the three basic units of a hydraulic
filter assembly?
contaminated when it is what color?