bristle brush to remove caked dirt from exterior
staking tool. Verify the security of the bearing, and
surfaces. Use a piece of soft, copper wire to remove
obstructions from ports and passages. Thoroughly dry
all parts with a clean, lint-free cloth or 20-psi
Many parts for the repair of the Gladden master
compressed air.
brake cylinder are provided in cure-date and overhaul
kits. Replace all other worn or damaged parts that
cannot be reworked to meet inspection requirements.
Detail parts not provided in the kit may be available
Conduct the inspection of parts under a strong light
from bulk stock.
and preferably with a means of magnification. Make
the following checks:
1. Check all parts for nicks, cracks, scratches, and
Apply a light coat of hydraulic fluid to all sealing
devices to aid in reassembly. The recommended
2. Check threaded parts for crossed or damaged
lubricant for the suspension rod end bearing is grease,
Specification MIL-G-23827.
3. Check all packing grooves for surface defects
that might cut packings during installation or
cause failure during operation.
Reassemble all internal parts in reverse order of
4. Check the bearing on the suspension rod at the
disassembly by using an arbor press, or equivalent, and
reservoir port end of the cylinder for freedom of
an AN350-4 nut to aid in assembly and to eliminate the
rotation and evidence of flat spots.
possibility of personnel injury because of preload of
5. Check all springs for specified load at given
length. There should be no permanent set from
test loading, and springs should not wobble
when they are rolled across a flat surface.
The test equipment required includes a
c o nve n t i o n a l h y d r a u l i c t e s t b e n c h c a p a b l e o f
Repair and Replacement
delivering fluid to 4,500-psi pressure at room
temperature, plus the equipment illustrated in figures
Polish minor nicks and scratches on metal parts
14-22 and 14-23. The nominal extended length of the
with crocus cloth (Federal Specification P-C-458C for
unit from the center of the end bearing to the end of the
steel parts and P-C-451B for aluminum parts). During
actuating rod is 15.31 inches.
polishing, make sure that all dimensions are
maintained within the specified limits and that seating
To proof test the inlet chamber and perform a
and sealing surfaces are not damaged.
leakage test, first apply 5 psi, and then 200 psi at the
reservoir port with the brake port plugged. There
Repair damage to anodized finishes on aluminum
should be no external leakage for 1 minute from either
parts by applying a protective chemical film per
Specification MIL-C-81706, class 1A, Form III.
To perform the piston, valve, and brake chamber
proof test, install the unit in the jig (fig. 14-22), and
Chemical film materials are strongly oxidizing
and are a fire hazard when in contact with organic
materials such as paint thinners. Do not store or mix
surface treatment materials in containers previously
containing flammable products. Rags contaminated
with chemical film material should be thoroughly
rinsed and disposed of as soon as practical.
When you replace a suspension bearing, stake the
new bearing at the original stake points on both sides of
Figure 14-22.--Piston, valve, and brake chamber proof test
the body by using a 3/16-inch-diameter ball in the
setup diagram