Figure 16-46.--Structure alignment dimensions.
This is possible because there is a definite
and lower limits. The lower limit is established by
subtracting 0 degrees, 20 minutes from the
relationship between the fuselage longitudinal and
longitudinal reading, and the upper limit is established
wing reference lines. You should follow the following
by adding 0 degrees, 40 minutes to the longitudinal
steps to perform a wing twist check:
reading taken in the auxiliary wheel well. For example,
1. Fold the wings and level the aircraft laterally.
if the longitudinal reading was 1 degree, 35 minutes,
2. Install the leveling bar in the forward lockpin
the lower limit would be 1 degree, 15 minutes, and the
holes of the outboard panel fold rib.
upper limit would be 2 degrees, 15 minutes. Figure
16-47 shows a wing twist check on an aircraft. The
3. Turn the rod until the milled flat at the forward
wing clinometer readings must fall within this range as
end is straight up.
well as within 0 degree, 12 minutes of each other
4. Set the clinometer on the flat and record the
(right- to left-hand wing readings). This check,
reading when the dial has stopped rotating.
together with the steel tape measurements taken when
The right- and left-hand wing readings must be
the wings are spread, is a satisfactory check of wing
within 0 degrees, 12 minutes of each other for
bending and twisting. If the clinometer readings and
acceptable aerodynamic tolerances with respect to
tape measurements are not within the tolerances
specified, the aircraft must be taken to a depot-level
twist. They must also fall within the following upper