Figure 9-10.--Model HCT-10 hydraulic and pneumatic component test stand.
Q9-21. What is the purpose of a stationary hydraulic
Pump Test Circuit.--The pump test circuit
test stand?
s u p p l i e s c o n t r o l l e d p r e s s u r e a n d f l ow t o a
variable-displacement, reversible-rotation, hydraulic
Q9-22. Stationary hydraulic test stands are used at
motor that, in turn, supplies power for driving
what levels of maintenance?
hydraulic pumps during tests.
Q9-23 Other than hydraulic components, what other
P N E U M AT I C S Y S T E M . -- T h e p n e u m a t i c
types of components can be tested on the
system is composed of two circuits. One circuit
p r ov i d e s c o n t r o l , i n d i c a t i o n , a n d fi l t r a t i o n o f
Q9-24. What three things must be externally connected
externally supplied compressed air for the operation of
to the HCT-10 unit for it to operate?
the hydraulic fluid temperature control system, the
Q9-25. How many different test circuits does the
hydraulic static pressure pump, and the pneumatic
HCT-10 unit have?
static pressure booster. The second circuit consists of a
Q9-26. What test circuit is used to test double-acting
portable, compressed nitrogen cylinder that supplies
hydraulic cylinders?
gas to a supply port through a manually adjusted
pressure regulator for static pneumatic testing. A
Q9-27. What component on the HCT-10 prevents
safety interlock prevents operation of this circuit when
operation when the door of the test chamber is
the door of the test chamber is open.
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM.--Externally supplied
electrical power is controlled by a system located on
the right-hand control panel. The test stand START
switch, pump ON/OFF switches, and a test stand STOP
switch are located along the lower portion of this panel.
There is also a test stand STOP switch on the top left
side on the front of the test stand.
support equipment.